Chapter 33

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After the emotions of talking to Jon and Jaime he had hoped the rest of the day would pass far more easier, heading back to his room though he had been called to see lord Wyman. He wasn't sure what to say to his old friend, how much to reveal, simply telling him to keep a good relationship with Jon Snow was pointless, Wyman was already doing so. But he couldn't tell him the truth, should he point him the right direction? Or was he already looking there? The thing with Wyman was just a sniff of something may be enough.

He pondered on this as he walked towards the solar, as the guards let him inside he was glad to see that it was just the two of them inside, it would allow for a much freer conversation. Though without the distractions of someone else speaking it would be harder to keep Wyman from dictating where the conversation went. He smiled as he took his seat, it had been far too long since he and the lord of White Harbor had been in the same place, he ignored the obligatory plate of food that Wyman already had in front of him but gratefully accepted the glass of wine.

"How are you old friend?" Wyman asked.

"I'm good, though it seems you are doing better, I saw the ship leave when I arrived a magnificent thing to behold, I hear you're on your way to having four of them?"

"Aye, the first two paid for themselves within a year Howland, the advantage they give on the seas is incredible. I can't thank the lad enough, I don't even know how to." Wyman said as he looked at him intently.

"Does he even want it, to be thanked that is?"

"No, it'd be far easier if he did, the lad's he's not like that, seems almost to be embarrassed when it's brought up, you know that pup we sent him?".

"He's no longer a pup Wyman." Howland said as both men laughed.

"Aye that's true the beast lives up to his name all right, he's got half the town terrified and the other half hoping to see such a legendary beast up close, almost as soon as he appears he's gone as if he wasn't there at all. The reports I've had from my guards would make you laugh Howland." Wyman said his grin still on his face.

"The lad seems to control him well enough."

"Aye that he does, anyway what was I saying, aye that's it. When I delivered it to the lad he wanted to pay the men, wouldn't accept no for an answer, the same when I sent him the present he ordered for Ser Jorah's wife, that time he even bought the men a barrel of ale." Wyman said laughing loudly.

Howland shook his head, the boy was just the same as his mother, Lyanna too wouldn't allow a good deed go unrewarded. To find out her son was taking after her in this manner only made him more sure he had been right to bend his knee.

"What make you of the lad Howland?" Wyman asked curiously.

"I think the move west has helped him greatly Wyman, he's not as I'd heard, when he was at Winterfell he was sullen and withdrawn no?"

"Aye, I met the lad a few years ago quiet as a mouse he was, wouldn't raise his voice or speak without being spoken too, certainly wouldn't jape with the freedom he does now."

"I don't know what Ned was thinking, some people aren't mean to caged and told what to do." Howland said wistfully.

"Aye." Wyman said looking at him curiously. "He's not much like his father is he?"

"I don't know I see him in him when I look at him." Howland said softly.

"I had thought he was more like Brandon, but he doesn't have the wildness."

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