Chapter 28

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Jon Arryn.

As he looked out at Jon Snow he felt something he had only felt once in his life, hate, he actually hated the boy, it should have given him pause but it didn't, the boy was proving to be an absolute nightmare for him. Initially he'd been so happy to see Ned's son do so well, to see him training to be a knight in the south and far away from that heathen place his father called home. Even seeing him with the Lannisters had in Jon's mind been well worth it, at least with them he'd learn to follow the true faith.

Meeting the boy for the first time at Casterly Rock had been like seeing Ned reborn, though quickly he had come to realize that while he may look like his father, Jon Snow was a far cleverer young man. The things he'd done, the achievements he'd made beggared belief, the mines, the wind wheel, the ships, those damnable ships. When he'd seen one up close he'd shuddered, if those things were ever turned into war ships they'd be unstoppable, the Fury looked like a row boat alongside the monstrosity in the docks.

He turned to look as the boy smirked at him before bowing, the nerve of him, him a bastard born of lust and desire, he glowered at the boy though it was to no avail, the boy seemed impervious to scorn which itself was surprising. Most bastards knew their place and accepted it, but Jon Snow thought far too much of himself. As he looked at him facing the large boy, he hoped that at least this one would teach him respect, that he would manage to do what his own lads had failed so terribly at.

"Look at him Jon, did you see him, did you see what he did to those lads." Robert said laughing and Jon felt like screaming loudly.

"Aye, your grace, most impressive."

"Three of them Jon, three of them and he took them down like they were nothing, Ned should have been here to see it, to see his boy." Robert said sitting on the edge of the his seat watching as Jon Snow landed hit after hit on the large boy.

Jon just nodded along and continued to glower angrily at the boy, it had seemed so simple to him, when he and Petyr had discussed things after the meeting with Jaime Lannister, his friend had come up with some interesting plans.

"The nerve of him, who does he think he is to speak to us like that, Petyr I want the queen's expenses cut, her and the prince, from now on we give them the barest minimum, let her go cry to Casterly Rock for coin." Jon said angrily.

"Of course my lord, as you wish, we needs must make things right with the Tyrell's though my lord, should they decide to withhold their coin then we're in serious trouble."

"Aye, I know, but I'll not go grovel to that old witch again." Jon said shaking his head.

"Leave it to me my lord, I know what to say to Olenna Tyrell, but you'll need to speak to the king, we'll have to give them something, have them as guest's of honor at the feast, show them we're on their side."

"You think that'll be enough Petyr, you know what they want and damn but not even I can make Robert give them that, he wants a Stark bride for his son, as if the last Stark girl didn't already almost cost us the throne."

"We needs must let them think it's happening though my lord, let them believe, perhaps we can bleed them for more while we do so."

"Aye you're right, now what about the damn Lannisters?"

"The boy my lord, Jon Snow."

"Ned's Lad?"

"Aye my lord, Jaime's quite taken with him, should something happen to the lad and you were to step in. we could use that." Petyr said a smile on his face.

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