Chapter 36

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They had said their goodbyes to the Karstark brothers three days ago, setting them down on a beach no more then ten miles from their home. The brothers and their guards had been grateful both for the shortening of their journey and the supplies they gave them, they had also concluded their deal with Wyman and were happy with the result. He had watched as Dacey and Smalljon had bid them farewell and he welcomed the camaraderie they showed to each other.

Now though he could see Eastwatch in the distance and the great wall itself had come into view only an hour or so earlier. He stood on deck looking at it, watching it and felt a tingling in his spine at the thoughts of it, over and over as he stared at its majesty one word kept resonating deep within his mind 'Ice'. When they eventually made land he found himself looking forward to seeing the wall up close, to reaching out and touching something that had been supposedly built by one of his ancestors.

He looked down at Ghost beside him, the wolf had a look of longing on his face as he looked at the wall, reaching down he petted his fur and Ghost stared up at him his tail wagging against the ground excitedly.

"I know boy, you're home too." he said and the wolf jumped to his feet.

Jon nodded to him and as soon as they set the gangplank down Ghost was off the ship, the yelps and screams of the people as the wolf passed them making him laugh. They were in no danger from his wolf as long as they proved themselves no danger to him, he could almost hear the relief as he looked over the deck to see the wolf had already cleared the small settlement. Heading downstairs to get Winter and Honor ready he found Loras looking eager to get onto dry land, his friend having come down with a bad case of the sickness of the sea the last few days.

"You should go down to the dock Loras."

"Aye I know, I've things to do though."

"Go, I'll do them, you go get your feet on dry land." Jon said and Loras nodded appreciatively.

It took him no more than a few minutes to get Loras's things ready and bring them to the deck, his own he carried down to the on board stables, how they'd been able to get so many horses and their equipment on the ship was beyond him. But somehow they had managed it, he tied his chests to the cart and readied the horses before leading them off the ship to where Jaime was speaking to some of the black brothers.

"We have some supplies for the commander here, but we won't be staying, we intend to set out for Castle Black immediately." Jaime said to the short gruff man.

"I thank you milord, we always welcome supplies and the men will be pleased with the ale." the man said with a grim smile.

"You and your men are more than welcome, the first two carts are yours," Jaime said and the man and his companions looked from Jaime to the carts and back his smile growing larger.

"May the old gods bless you milord." the man said as he moved to the carts.

Jon looked as the rest of the carts were loaded, it would take a few hours more before they would be ready to leave and they had broken their fast early that morning to be ready. It would take them over a week to make it to Castle Black anyway and that was providing they didn't have a mishap and they were all eager to be on their way. Leading Honor over to Jaime he smiled when he saw Dacey look at his lord, the two had certainly become closer to each other since they danced in White Harbor.

"My lord." Jon said handing Jaime the reins.

"Have you seen Loras, Jon?"

"Aye, I sent him off the ship when we landed he needed to stand on firm ground." Jon said and Jaime laughed.

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