12.Kicking Ass?!..

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He smiled at me..

I smiled back..

Then he came over for a hug..


I hugged him back..

"Wow..you look stunning" he said..

"Thank you" I said with a smile..

"And..what are you doing here?" He asked me..

"Humm..long story actually..but here i am" I said with an awkward chuckle..

"Okay..the way you left was..." He started but I cut him off..

"I'm so sorry..somethings came up..and I promise you..I will be back after everything is sorted..if the job is still available?" I said..

"No..it's not" he stated...

"Yeah..of course.. I'm so sorry..you gave me an amazing opportunity and I blew it" I said apologetically..

Not actually me..but my so called husband..

"It's okay..but are you okay?..I mean you just disappeared and its been a month..what came up?" He asked..

Well..I got kidnapped by an enemy of my husband and found out my husband is a mafia boss..and my life is in danger..and I'm comfortably held captive by my so called husband..and I'm trying hard not to fall for him..again

Yepp..that's what came up..

"Well..humm..its also a long story..but I'm fine" I said..

Of course.. I wasn't gonna tell him..

But this could actually be a chance to leave Adonis..like I wanted to..

I could just tell Dean everything..and I will go back to my normal life..

But why am I holding back?

"Alright..your friend Bella..comes everyday to look for you though..doesn't she know?" He asked..

"Oh my God..is she okay?..it's also more like a long story" I said..

"Yeah..she is fine..but I think you should tell her" he said..


"So..humm..what are you doing here?" I asked him..

"Well..I'm more like a fashion expert too" he said..

"I thought you were a manager" I said..

"Well..yeah..but I know my fashion" he said and I chuckled..


We didn't say anything again..

"I really need to get to the VVIP before the show starts"..

"Why?.." He asked..

Oh my gosh..did I just say that out loud?

Yeah..you did Selena..

"Humm..uh..to..to get a better view" I said..

"The view at the VVIP is amazingly perfect..you can get a better angle there" he said..having a sip of his drink..

Whew..that was close..

"Yeah..that's why I need to get there" I said..

"Well..you have to coverse with some Well known fashion experts to get there..I can help you..if you want?" He said..

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