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The next morning___

I was wide awake..widee..I couldn't close my eyes and sleep..even though the bed is dammn soft..

I couldn't sleep after what I learnt last night..Dean is obsessed with me..and he seems dangerous..

I felt like if I closed my eyes for even a minute..he will come inside and I don't know..rape me? Or kill me?

This is really bad..

How could Adonis do this to me?

Doesn't he even care for me atleast?

I was even tired of thinking of him..


The sun was already up when I finally stood up from the bed..

I stretched my arms...and with that there was a knock on the door..

My heart skipped a beat..

"Wh..who is there?" I asked slowly..

"A servant" the small voice said..


"Okay..come in" I said..going over to open the locked door..

Yeah..I locked it up..

And the girl entered..her head lowered..

"Good morning Madam" she said..

"Madam?..please call me Selena" I said with a small smile..

"I'm not allowed" she said..her head still lowered..

"I...I just.." I started but was cut short by a voice..

"That's how we do here..Good morning sweetheart" Dean said with a smile..


"Ohh" I managed to say..

How can they behave like this?


"Morning" i replied to his greeting with a forced smile..

He walked over and hugged me..I hugged him back..

Then he placed a kiss on my cheek..his hands still on my waist..

I gave him a forced smile..

"She is here to get you ready..how would you love that?" He asked..his hands still on my waist..

"Erm..." I started uncomfortably..

"I don't like it.."I said with a slight chuckle..I saw a quick dark glint in his eyes...

"I mean..I have my hands and legs..so I will be okay..thank you by the way" I said...cupping his cheek

He gave a slight smile..

Yeah..i hated doing that..but I can't afford him to have a..I don't know..an episode?..like he did last night..

"Or you want me to get you ready?" He asked his eyes on my lips..


I gave an uneasy chuckle..

"No..I wouldn't want to trouble you" I said..moving away from his tight grip on my waist..

"Okayyy..I want to apologise.." He started and with that the servant excused herself..

"I'm sorry about last night..it was not my intention to hurt you Selena..please forgive me" he said with his same convincing eyes..


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