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So..yeah..I kissed him

I kissed Machavelli..

Violating my rules..

Rule 2# don't get too attached..

I got really attached..to him..to his scars..

Like I had so many chances of running away yesterday..but I didn't..why?..I don't know..

Rule3# don't let him touch you sensually..and don't kiss him..Never ever..

I already did..

I kissed him hard..and i love every bit of it..

Rule4# don't get attracted to his perfect body..soft lips..beautiful grey eyes ever again..

Okay..maybe rule 4 was already gone..the moment I made it..


I literally don't know how to face him..

And it's not like that was our first kiss..then.. why am I so concerned about it?

I didn't sleep a wink..last night..

My mind was on the kiss and him..

Where the fuck is the hate..I have for him?

It's like..it reduced..like it's

I don't even know..

And it's just been..two weeks..and this already happened..I can't belive myself..

But maybe..just maybe..it's okay..

God Selena!


I'm currently in the dinning room with Deigo and ivy..having breakfast..

"Oh my God..what happened Selena?..you look like you didn't sleep a wink" ivy said..

"No..I slept..I just uh..my body was aching from all the fighting and running" I lied..

"We are so sorry Selena" Deigo said apologetically..

"Yeah..Selena..we are"ivy said this time

Are this people for real?

We freaking barely survived together..

"Guys..why are you apologising?..we survived together..so stop it please" I said..

They smiled in response..

"You wouldn't have been in this situation..it's my fault" ivy said..

My God..this people..

"No ivy..if it wasn't for your brother..I would have never met you..it's was my job to help my amazing sister in law" I said with a smile..

She smiled back..in response..

And we kept on eating..

I plan to eat as fast as I could..so I would crawl back into the room..and never have to face him..

As if right on cue..he appeared..

Ohh God

"Good morning.." He greeted everyone..then sat beside me..



Someone please save me..

"Morning bro" ivy said..

"Morning Adonis.." Deigo said..

I knew..it was my turn to at least acknowledge his presence..

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