18.Gold digging Slut..

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Bella is here..the most amazing thing ever..


I gave her the tour..I showed her everywhere..she is still in disbelieve..

"So..Adonis is this rich..wow!"


We were currently on the third floor..

"He owns the whole of this floor?" She asked..

"Yeah..pretty much..it's only his room..his bar" I said crossing my arms..and resting on the railing

"I guess you are not surprised by any of this anymore" she said joining me.

"Yeah..he literally has everything"

"Can..I like be his second wife?" She asked..I turned to her...


"Hey..Hey.. I'm just joking.." she said with a chuckle..I joined her..

She walked to the balcony..I followed her..

"This is beautiful.." she said staring at the far off mountains..


"I would travel the world..if I'm this rich.." she chuckled..


"He should let you travel instead of locking you up here..so you have never left the house at all?" She asked..

"Well..I visited Milan two weeks ago..and ohh I went to Paris" I said casually..

I turned to her..and she was looking at me dumbfounded..

"What the Heck Selena?..and you can say it so casually?" She asked me..with a dramatic look..

I laughed..

"Actually..it's just Paris"i said..she raised her eyebrow..

"Okay fine..it was amazing!" I said with a smile..

"Of course it was.." she smirked..

"Well..we went there on a mission" I said..

"What?!..mission?..like a spy?" She asked..

"No no..but something like that..and yeah I almost died" I said again..

"Died?..okay..download gist now!" She said..

And I told her everything..the cause of the mission..which I still don't know about..the way I almost died twice..and our kiss..

"Wow..you've been through alot actually" she said..

"I know right.."

"But it was fun" I said again..

"Okay..alright..you mentioned your ex boss?" She asked..


"Yepp..I met him there..that's when he told me about you..we also danced..which kinda made Adonis jealous.." I said with a chuckle..

"What?..that's so funny" she laughed..

"Yepp..and we also met in Milan.."I said

Saying all this to Bella..

Is making me think..if everything was really a coincidence..

I mean..he was everywhere I was..

Then he confessed his love..

Was he following me?

Did he know about everything?

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