Chapter 19

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Besides a test result, the butler gave Su Yue a USB drive and a laptop.

Su Yue ignored the unreasonable man and went to the sofa with the laptop. The USB drive contained the recent surveillance videos that she had asked Zhang to copy.

Jiang's mansion has high security, with many guards patrolling and cameras installed in many places, including the small building.

She had not done anything to harm Jiang Ci, so who could it be?

Su Yue calmly looked at the surveillance videos on the computer screen. She first watched the video from yesterday's incident, which showed guests coming and going at the banquet. Su Yue directly opened the video outside the small building and found that, except for her and the delivery staff, only the servant sent by Jiang Xuan to invite her to the banquet had been to the small building all day.

She frowned.

Could it be related to this servant?

The book mentioned that Jiang Xuan did not like her ex-husband Jiang Ci, especially after she was reborn, she planned to cut off the relationship between them. Could she have assigned this servant to do something to get rid of Jiang Ci when she was not paying attention?

No, that's not right.

She remembered the day when she took Jiang Ci out and met Jiang Xuan. At that time, Jiang Xuan was very resistant to Jiang Ci and did not want to have much contact with him. In this case, she had no reason to do something that was not worth the effort and could ruin herself at any time. It's probably not Jiang Xuan.

For a while, Su Yue thought a lot, even analyzing why the maid mentioned buying mangoes and Meisi for no reason yesterday, but the cake had already been tested and there was no problem, which also indicated that it had nothing to do with mangoes.

Su Yue watched the video carefully and found that Xiao Haohao had gone out alone at noon. She saw on the screen that the little guy walked out of the bamboo forest path alone, holding a birthday card in his hand.

Birthday card?

Where did he take the birthday card?

Su Yue clicked on the video recording of the front yard, pulled it to the same time, and saw Xiao Haohao walking out of the corner with the birthday card, and then trotting towards several children playing in the distance.

Su Yue switched to another video. After Xiao Haohao walked over, he said something to those children. The slightly taller child snatched Xiao Haohao's birthday card and laughed with the children around him.

Xiao Haohao wanted to get his birthday card back.

The child who took the birthday card ran away, and Xiao Haohao chased after him, and the other children followed. Several children teased Xiao Haohao by holding the birthday card and letting him chase them.

Suddenly, Xiao Haohao fell to the ground, and several children surrounded him. One of the fatter children stepped on Xiao Haohao's body, and another bolder child followed suit and stepped on Xiao Haohao's body. The other children laughed out loud. A group of children, including Xiao Haohao, were in the corner. Passersby only glanced at them and no one paid attention to their play. Even the servants in several villas ignored them, as they were used to seeing Xiao Haohao being bullied by other children.

Su Yue frowned with displeasure.

On the screen, the taller child said something, looked at the card in his hand, and then threw the birthday card into the flower bed. He pointed at Xiao Haohao, as if telling him to pick it up himself.

I don't mind if you're ugly and blind [transmigration novel] ChatGPT TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now