Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Evelyn's POV (A/N _ Who has been waiting for this moment?)

His voice.

It is so familiar and the fact that the fairytale story was so enchanting yet, so sad that I can't help but to let a tear slip down my tear duct. Even I, myself was so surprised that I could actually respond to someone talking to me while all I see is complete pitch darkness.

A voice that seems so familiar but I can't figure it out who he is.

This time, I managed to feel my body as I forced my eyes to peel open, slowly adjusting to the light which blinded my poor eyes. "Ugh." I croaked out weakly, in need of water.

The rim of a cooling glass touched my lips as I found myself gulping down the source of water hungrily, not caring whoever was feeding me right now.

Even if the water contained poison, I will deal with it later. Right now, I just needed water, anything that keeps me alive.

Sudden gush of water rushed into my throat, making me cough out loud in pain. "Babe, are you okay?" The familiar voice strike me again as it grew louder next to me.

I pushed the glass away from me and laid down with a 'thump' back on my pillow as I covered my eyes from the burning light. "Whoever it is, turn off the f*cking light." I growled in annoyance, hearing an instant click and I was back to darkness again.

Slowly, I opened my eyes as they adjusted to the dark in mere seconds. It was odd, seeing how I enjoyed the darkness more than the bright light after I have woken up from a deep slumber.

What was going on?

I could feel my eyes glowed in the dark as I turned around to be met with a shining pair of eyes which looked so familiar. Yet, I couldn't figure out who he is.

Do I know him?

"Babe?" He called out again while my brows was pulled into a frown. I looked around me and noticed there was no one other than us in this dark room right now.

"Do I know you?" Was the first thing which wheezed out as I coughed again, annoyed at the stinging sensation due to the huge gush of water just now.

His face quickly turned into disappointment as my eyes traced the outline of his face from his eyes to his jaws in the dark. It felt like I was in safe heaven when the lights were switched off.

"Can't you remember me at all, babe?" He asked again, using the endearment which I doubt he had a right to use on me when I barely know him.

"Why are you calling me, 'babe'? Do I look like I know you?" I sassed back, feeling grumpy and annoyed at the situation right now. First, I was trapped in a deep slumber for so long, unable to wake myself up no matter how many times I forced myself.

Secondly, when I managed to wake up, this guy who has been staying in my room for god knows how long keeps calling me, 'babe' like as if I knew him.

But, I can't seem to remember anything which made my mood went downhill.

He sighed heavily, "Eve.."

"Eve?" I raised a brow questioningly as a pure look of shock flashed across his handsome face. I have to admit, despite his messy, unruly hair, he looked oh-so mesmerising and attractive even in the pitch darkness which I have gotten so used to after a deep slumber.

"You can't even remember your real name?" He muttered out in complete shock which made me surprised. "My real name?" I frowned, suddenly not able to remember who I am.

"Who am I?" I blurted out, surprised that I was even questioning him as though he knew me before when I don't even have any memory of him in my mind at all.

It was totally blank.

And, the fact that he was a stranger to me made me feel slightly cautious. What if he was a bad guy and tried to brainwash me with another identity when in fact I was someone else?

"Evelyn, daughter of Former Beta James and Elizabeth, also the sister of current Beta Evan. And lastly, mate of Alpha Nathan also known as Luna Evelyn."

My eyes blinked rapidly at his words, trying to digest what he had just said. "So, you are saying I have parents and a brother? And who is Alpha Nathan? Why am I the Luna?"

"Yes, they are your family. You are my mate, my Luna and I am Alpha Nathan." He explained calmly even though I could sense disappointment laced in his voice.

"You are my mate?" I questioned again, still unconvinced as whatever he had just said might all be lies just to keep me by his side when I don't even know a single thing about him and neither do I have any memories of him in my life at all.

And why don't I feel my wolf at all? Surely, if he is my mate, my wolf would have responded and acknowledged. But I can't feel her at all which made my doubt further increase.

"I don't believe you, Alpha Nathan or whoever you claim to be. My wolf is not responding and she doesn't acknowledge to whatever you have said so, I believe that I should follow my instincts and not trust your words. Now, if you will excuse me, I would like to rest." I finished it off with a wave of my hands and turned around as my heavy head rested against the soft pillows.

There was no more room for discussion.

I could hear a heavy sigh coming from him, followed by footsteps as he left the room, closing the door behind him. I laid on the bed and mulled over his words.

Evelyn.. My name is Evelyn and he's my mate, Alpha Nathan while I am the Luna. Is that even possible or he's just playing tricks on me to get me to believe him when I am in a vulnerable state, now knowing what my true identity is?

I am so confused..

A/N _ Who love this chapter? Because I did! Like finally, she's awake and I am so happy about it!

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