Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Evelyn's POV

The moment when he knocked on my door and asked me out, I knew my anger towards him for that matter had slightly diminished.

Though I tried to sound indifferent but it was hard to stay angry while he stood in front of me. It was like there was a string which I can't figure it out, pulling me towards him.

What if he was right? He is my mate?

I sighed, stepping out of the shower as I changed into a white dress with ruffles attached to the end. My eyes zeroed down onto the lip gloss on my desk, finding it strange that I would possess a lip gloss when I don't carry makeup.

A flash of image passed through my mind as I remember myself holding onto it and applying it in front of the mirror. When I looked into the reflection, I could see a familiar face staring at me.


My head hurt slightly as my breathing became labored. I took in a deep breath and calmed myself down, staring at the lip gloss in my hand. Was that part of my memory?

Is he really my mate?

I unscrewed the cap and applied a thin layer of lip gloss over my lips, a small smile appearing on my lips. This lip gloss must be mine since I have used it before.

But the thing is, who gave this to me? There's no way I would have gotten this myself.

A knock on the door disrupted my thoughts as I looked up, lurching forward to open the door. He had a basket of candies in his hand as he smiled at me, his lips parting slightly at the sight of me in awe.

"I remember this image so clearly, you were wearing this dress in my dreams. And you look so beautiful yet, so distant." He recounted, his voice sounding depressed and sad.

My heart clenched tightly at the sight of him like this as if he was afraid of losing me.

My instincts pushed me to comfort him as I intertwined my fingers with his large ones, it was something I would have never done but I have no idea what made me do it.

I gently squeezed his large ones, my eyes locked with his surprised ones. "I'm here now, don't be sad anymore."

In a swift move, he swooped down and captured my lips with his, molding our lips together. His large hand holding onto my left cheek as we shared a sweet kiss.

He pulled away, his eyes enlarging when he realised what he had done. "I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to take this too fast." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm starting to believe you are my mate now." I whispered, leaning against his chest as I listened to the sound of his heartbeat which somehow manages to calm me down everytime.

I could feel one arm wrapped around my waist as he quietly engross himself in the embrace. "I'm so happy you are trying, babe. Even if it takes you forever to gain back your memory, I am willing to wait."

"I am slowly gaining back bits and pieces of my memory. My wolf as well as the lip gloss I am wearing right now." I whispered, pulling away from the embrace as I smiled.

His eyes lingered on my lips before his eyes flickered over to mine. "This was the lip gloss you wore on the day I marked you as mine." A smirk was tugged on his lips as my eyes widened slightly.

"You marked me?" My lips parted slightly with shock. He nodded, leaning in as he pecked my forehead.

"You are mine to begin with. I love you, babe."


Our fingers were entwined throughout the entire walk to the Orphanage. Each and every pack members who noticed us walking, stopped by to greet us. Some of them gave me their well-wishes, while some of them are happy to see me awake.

I was surprised that the pack cared about my well-being. They must have seen Nathan trying to cope with pack duties and me during the period I was unconscious.

I snuggled in the warmth of the parka jacket he had given me just now before we walked out of the pack house, saying that despite my elemental abilities, he still wanted to see me keeping warm.

It was a beautiful pearl color which matched the white dress I had worn today.

A path of flowers greeted us as we continued walking into the gates. He opened the door and entered, an old lady smiling at us as she put down her knitting.

"Ahh.. I knew you were going to drop by anytime soon. How are you doing, little one?" There was a sense of familiarity in her voice as though I have heard of it before somewhere.

"Grandma, all's good. My mate is here." Nathan guided me towards her as he let go of me and embraced the lady. She pulled away and ruffled his hair, nodding approvingly before her eyes landed on mine.

"It must have been really hard for you, Luna. I am so happy you are finally awake after six months, you have no idea how happy I was when this news got to me." She smiled at me, slowly patting my hand.

"I am happy to see everyone again too."

"So, when is the ceremony to welcome back my beautiful granddaughter-in-law going to be held?" She asked, her question obviously directed towards Nathan.

"Soon, grandma. I'm planning for the official ceremony to hand the Luna title over to my mate once she have stabilized."

My lips parted slightly in shock as I have no idea that there was going to be a ceremony held for me. With my memory lost, I had no idea if the actual ceremony had taken place.

As if reading my thoughts, she carried on to explain, "I see my grandson hasn't told you yet since he doesn't want to give you any pressure. After the war, he was immediately given the title as he had handled it well despite his father wasn't present to guide him. Naturally, since you are his mate, you were given the Luna title as well. But the actual ceremony has yet to be held, seeing as you were unconscious during the period."

My eyes landed on Nathan as he grinned cheekily, knowing that he should have told me earlier. But since he didn't want to pressure me, I decided to let this go.

"I understand. grandma." I smiled, receiving a hug from her as she patted my back. "Good, now you should be heading off to meet the kids, they are excited to meet their Luna."

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