Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Evelyn's POV

I could feel my body awakening as powers were directed into my body as it healed me. As I slowly gained control of my body, my eyelids fluttered open and I noticed myself still in the empty room.

This time I was seated up while a presence was behind me, busily healing my internal injuries. "You're finally awake, Luna."

I nodded weakly, feeling the last bit of powers entering my body before it gradually slowed down and halted. I turned around and faced her, wearing a weary smile.

"Thank you for saving me, Seer." I coughed slightly, blood staining my palm. She quickly held onto me and laid me down onto the soft mattress. "Hush, don't speak so much, your body is still recovering from the injuries."

I nodded, listening to her advice as I rested. She sat next to me and pulled the duvets over my body. She sighed as she said what she had observed, "It seems as though you have been trying to make contact with your energy source, but it is too strong for you."

She seemed to be in deep thoughts as her eyes flickered hesitantly. As she looked at me, she brushed wisps of my hair behind my ears, "Let me help you until you have managed to combine the powers with your body."

"What do you mean?" I whispered softly, lacking of strength to speak.

"Once your body have recovered fully, I will sit by your side and assist you while you control the energy source. So rest for now, we will begin once you are ready."


If my wolf was still inside of me, my regeneration process would have been quicker. However, since I had lost my wolf, my body was behaving like a human body and the healing process took longer than expected.

If it was not for the Seer constantly healing me with her powers everyday, I would not have recovered so quickly in a week. She must have exhausted most of her powers for me to heal progressively.

As the both of us sat facing each other in the basement, she formed a shield surrounding me while I concentrated fully on controlling my mind and heart as I combined the powers to my body.

I had involuntarily spilled out blood amidst the process, however I could feel that the shield she had formed around me seemed to be transferring energy into my body.

She must be consistently healing me while I was controlling the source of energy inside of me.

Steadily, I could feel myself gaining control of the powers as it ran smoothly inside of my body. It was a huge progress as compared to the ordeal that I had went through alone in order to control the energy source.

With the Seer by my side, I could feel that I had become stronger than ever as the powers channeled into my body increasingly. I could feel a surge of powers which made my body feel lighter than before.

Snapping my eyes open, I could feel that the world in front of me which had been going in circles, had finally stabilised. I took in a huge breath and calmed myself down.

I knew one thing for sure, I had managed to contain my powers.

The shield around me disappeared and the Seer placed her index finger on my forehead lightly as a source of energy entered. As it seems, she was checking on my condition.

"Luna, you have managed to combine the powers to your body and it has strengthened your body intensively. However, the side effects persists and you would need time to heal your internal organs as it has been damaged in the process." She paused and pondered for a moment before her eyes met mine.

"I would suggest heading to the North where the pool of ice core hidden in the mountains might be able to heal you."

I gasped at her suggestion as it simply didn't make sense to me, "The North? Isn't it the coldest territorial among the four regions which is almost barren? And what is the pool of ice core?"

"As you may know by now, you are an Ice elemental, Luna. The North which is always cold for all four season every year is a suitable living condition for you and what lies hidden in the mountains is a pool of ice core which is able to heal you since your energy source comes from ice."

As much as it seemed like a plausible idea to travel to the North to regenerate in the pool of ice core, however this news was too much for me to take in. Besides, how would Nathan react if he heard about this piece of news.

Wouldn't he be in a rage even further? I wouldn't even want to think about that, my head hurt by just thinking about it.

"T-This is a little too much for me to handle at the moment right now, but let me think it through first."


The door flung opened as footsteps approached us. The only one who could be this brazen to enter the basement despite my pleas would probably be him.

"There's no way I'm going to let you travel to the North and risk your life in an unknown territory." As expected, he was enraged as he had overheard everything. He pulled me close to him and buried his head into the crook of my neck. Momentarily, I could feel his body slightly less tensed when he made physical contact with me.

"Love, my internal organs have already been damaged in the process of controlling my powers."

He pulled away and gazed down at me with a hint of softness in them, "I can find the best doctors in the world to save you, babe. You don't necessarily have to go to the North."

"If I am still a normal human, I would have went with your suggestion. However, the situation is different now that I have powers, perhaps the pool of ice core in the North might be the place to heal me."

Seeing as how he was slightly wavered, I continued to persuade him to the best of my abilities. I held onto his hands which warmed up my cold hands slightly, "Listen to me, love. I know that I am left with less than three years to stay in this world, but I do know that I want to spend every waking minute I have with you while I can. So please, just let me go to the North to heal."

He sighed, twirling my hair with his fingers absentmindedly as he seemed to be deep in thoughts. "It seems like we have no choice, but to give it a try. But I will be accompanying you on this trip, so there's no way I'm compromising on this."

"What about the pack?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and squeezed it gently in reassurance, "Don't worry, I still have your brother to run the pack in my stead."

Well, that was something that I didn't have to worry about since my brother was capable of running the pack on his own.

I finally nodded in agreement.

He snapped his head in the direction of the Seer in distaste and growled, "Don't forget the reason why I'm keeping you alive in the first place. If I ever find out that this trip is part of your schemes to hurt my mate, I will definitely make you pay."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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