Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Evelyn's POV

"How long was I out?" I wheezed out after taking a large gulp of Coke. My stomach was taking in a lot of food, specifically burgers and french fries as we sat down at McDonald.

I must have been out for very long to be this hungry.

"Six months." He replied, looking very much amused as he watched me taking huge bites of the burgers. I made him order three sets of meal; beef burger meal, fish burger meal and McChicken meal.

And I was feasting on all the fries like a lunatic woman, stuffing in a couple of them while I ate the burgers. Before finishing up with another cup of Coke.

While he, on the other hand, had left his burger and fries untouched while he sipped on his cup of Milo. I licked the tip of my fingers after finishing up the last set, my eyes trained on his untouched meal.

Without needing to ask, he pushed his tray towards my direction with a toothy grin, "Have mine, you seem like you are still hungry."

"Damn right I am." I retorted, taking his share of meal as I feasted on it like a wolf who have been starving for a year. "Mhm, this is so good." I commented, pointing at the McSpicy burger.

The level of spiciness was nowhere near the standard where my stomach would flip and turn like ordinary humans. Since I was born as a wolf, my stomach could take much more than that, and that definitely explains my huge appetite right now.

Suddenly, my stomach felt uncomfortable as I let go of the burger and gripped onto the table. "My stomach." I let out a wheeze, feeling a bile rise up to my throat as I quickly ran towards the direction of the toilet, pushing past any empty cubicle I could find.

I gripped onto the toilet bowl tightly as I vomited out whatever I have just eaten.

My stomach twisted in pain as I frowned deeply, holding onto my waist weakly. A hand patted on my back, making me stiffen as I turned around slowly to meet his worried eyes.

"Are you okay, Eve?" He asked, continuing patting my back as it somehow eased me slightly. My shoulders sagged as I took in a deep breath before I vomit out the rest of the food I ate.

His fingers tugged on my hair, away from my face as I continued to vomit out with my stomach aching in pain. He handed me a tissue paper, seeing as I was slowing down while I wiped my mouth.

"Gosh, it felt uncomfortable." I muttered under my breath with a huge sigh. "After this, we are going to pay a visit to Eric. I will ask him about your condition." He informed while I looked away, holding onto my waist as it continued to twist in pain.

"Stomach ache?" He asked, while I nodded, confirming his thoughts as he carried me in bridal style, walking out of the toilet with a man whom I don't recognise.

He seem to have kept any women from entering the toilet during the period when Nathan was inside with me. No wonder it was strangely peaceful with no one judging me.

I must have looked like a mess.


I stuck out my tongue as a stick entered my mouth, a taste of wood hitting me. The blinding light was finally turned off as Eric finished diagnosing.

He began to scribble down some notes on a book with a solemn look across his face. "It seems like the Luna has been forcing herself to eat too much that it caused indigestion. She no longer has an appetite that normal wolves would have, it seems like she has lost her wolf permanently."

I gasped, covering my mouth with shock as tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"And, why do you say so?" Nathan demanded, a pure look of shock and disbelief settled on his face. "That is because she no longer has the regeneration process that most wolves would have on their body which could make them immune to health issues and give them the ability to heal fast. It seems to me that her body could no longer operate as well as when she is a werewolf and she is becoming more like a human."

"Oh my gosh.." I cried out loud, feeling a sudden embrace from Nathan as I leaned against him, selfishly getting the comfort I could get from him.

Based on my character, I knew I would never allow a guy to touch me, let alone when I am feeling down and upset. Because, it would mean that they would have the opportunity to take advantage of me.

But strangely, I could feel something attracting me towards him and I could sense comfort just by his presence.

"Babe.." He soothed my hair, giving me the comfort I needed. "I'm so sorry that this happened to the Luna, Alpha. But it seems like after she has lost her wolf, she has also gained a new element."

At his words, my cries slowed down slightly as I pricked up my ears to listen. "Continue." I mumbled against his shirt which I had clung onto it for dear life.

"Yes, Luna. It seems like you have developed a new element which is very rare for a werewolf. According to the legends, elements have been passed down the traditions with only eight elementals existing in this world, each of them possessing eight different elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Nature, Ice, Light and Darkness. And, someone must have passed away which results in you getting this element. In this case, it could be from your wolf where her elemental power was suppressed before she died. And, your element must be ice in this case."

"Unbelievable." I heard Nathan mutter under his breath as I stiffened uncontrollably, trying to process Eric's words. This has never happened in my life before and I have just set myself a new legend.

He continued exchanging words with Eric while I blocked out everything, trying to process everything which I have just heard from him. I have lost my wolf, I am now one of the eight elementals. My element is ice which means I have the ability to turn water into ice..

F*ck, what had just happened to my life?

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