Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Evelyn's POV

As soon as I fell asleep where darkness consumed, I could see furious red eyes staring back at me. I jolted awake in shock, feeling that something was not right. When I looked around me, Nathan was not with me anymore.

Frightened and worried, I slipped out of the room and walked around the house aimlessly in search of Nathan. For some reason, I felt safe in his arms and was able to feel calm when he is near me.

My instincts propelled me to a direction where it was deserted and no one guarded this area. My heels came to a stop as I stood in front of a door, pushing it aside as the rusted hinges creaked.

It felt creepy as all I could see ahead was complete darkness. Without my wolf senses, I couldn't use my vision to guide my way through the place.

All I could rely on was my sense of touch as I let my feet hung in the air, noticing that it was a stairs. I felt my way down the stairs, slowly relying on my instincts that it was leading me to Nathan.

Soon, torches of light hung against the wall as a foul stench hit my nose. I cringed, pinching my nose with my fingers as I continued walking down the stairs with the help of the light.

Vaguely, I could hear Nathan's voice booming throughout this place. I felt a sense of relief when I have finally found him. Only his voice and his presence could make me feel calm.

A huge smile was plastered on my face as I skipped my way down the stairs, forgetting about the foul smell and the creepiness of this place.

It looked like a basement to me.

My smile faltered upon seeing rusted metal cells occupying the entire area. Two men were guarding a particular cell while the smell of metal wafted up to my nostrils.

Was it the smell of blood?

Pulling myself together, I continued walking until the two men looked up and bowed to me curtly. I was confused why they had bowed at me and quickly ignored their actions when I could hear Nathan's voice in the cell.

All I saw was Nathan holding a poor woman by the collar as blood stained her dress.

Has he been hurting her?

"Nathan?" I called out, unable to look at him in the eyes after what I have just seen. He dropped the woman to the ground and slowly stride towards me.

I winced at the sight of the woman, feeling a wave of anger. How could he do that to a poor, defenseless woman? Why has he been hurting her? Why is she locked up in the cells in the first place?

So many questions flooded in my head as I tried my best to look up at him. Anger disappeared from his face the moment he saw me, what I saw instead was surprise.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" He asked, his voice a little hoarse after shouting at the woman, I assumed.

I clenched my fists tightly and demanded, "Shouldn't I be asking you that question? Why are you hurting the poor woman?"

A flicker of irritation crossed his face but it was gone as quickly as it came. His head side-glanced and stared at the woman briefly before turning his attention back to me.

"She doesn't deserve your concern, babe. She's locked up because of a sin she committed." He smoothly explained but his answer didn't satisfy me.

No matter what she has done, he doesn't have a right to hurt her. It was so obvious that they have been torturing her from the way blood stained her dress and there were torture equipment next to her.

"How can you say that, Nathan? She doesn't deserve to be tortured, look at those blood. You are hurting her, despite her sins!"

I knew I was fuming and I couldn't control my emotions, I was very unstable right now and what he has been doing behind my back wasn't helping my condition.

He heaved a sigh, slowly approaching me, "Babe, please-" I cut him off, pushing his hands away as he screeched slightly in pain. I noticed frost appeared on his hand before it slowly melted.

I looked down at my hands in shock, unable to undo what I have just done. I have done the same thing to my mom, now it's happening on him.

"You are making me a monster again, I hurt my mom, now it's happening on you!" I cried, running up the stairs. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I continued running, letting my legs carry me as fast as I can.

I managed to escaped out of the house as I slowly approached a tree, leaning against it. Sudden frost appeared on the tree, making me back off as I turned around to see frost on the path I have walked on.

I am becoming like a monster, I am unable to control my newfound powers and there's nothing I can do.

The feeling of helplessness strike me as I continued running barefoot, trudging across the snow lightly. All I could see was blurred vision as my tears continued to fall.

Why is this happening to me?

I gasped when I fell over a branch I did not notice, landing onto the frozen lake as I laid sprawled. Surprisingly, the frozen lake didn't felt freezing cold like I had expected.

Slowly getting up, I eyed the ice carefully as I was afraid it would break apart and I would fall into the water. As I moved my hand away, I could spot beautiful patterns circling the area I have just touched on the ice.

A small smile appeared on my lips as I touched another area where frost swirled into beautiful intricate patterns, resembling a wolf. A flash of monochrome image crossed through my mind as I cringed, my head hurting a little.

A wolf.

It was the same wolf on this pattern. Who is this wolf? Was it my wolf when I had her before I woke up from the coma?

Who is she? Was she an amazing partner of my life?

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