Chapter 1:It hurts

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A/n - Some basic instructions before starting off the story.
"Slant" Talking (font)
'_' whispering (just in case I don't mention)
TW - Sad
Let's do it (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


Third pov

Peter was sitting on the side of the lake on the grass, cold breeze striking his hair and face making him aware of the tears falling down his cheeks continuously. Why was he like this ? Well let's have a little flashback.

*Two hours before*

Peter was walking down the street towards the stark industries happily humming his favourite song. It was last day of the school and the beginning of their winter break. Peter had started to live there ever since his Aunt May had died ( I didn't want to but have to for the story (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) ).
Tony took him in and treated him like his own kid. Since then Peter has also wrapped every Avenger around his finger. Even Loki. All the Avengers were currently at the tower except some like Thor and Loki who were at Asgard , Clint with his family and Wanda and vision in their own world. But they all will be back on Peter's birthday which was only half month later. Peter was really excited. Even T'chall aka black panther , Shuri his 3rd bff and Dr. Strange would be joining.

Peter reached the compound and heard noises of laughter from the living room due to his super hearing. He was smiling until he heard an unfamiliar voice of some teen boy. As soon as he entered the room, he saw his superfamily sitting around someone. They didn't even notice Peter entering until he spoke up.

Peter pov

"Hello everyone" I said. They didn't even notice me when I stood there for like almost 5 mins and my spidey senses were going off telling me something bad is gonna happen.
Everyone turned towards me and now I got better look at the boy. When I saw his face my Spidey sense went crazy but I tried to shrug it off since I was with the Avengers currently and what could go wrong. Gosh I regret thinking that.
"Peter" Dad sighed. Yeah I call Mr. Stark dad now but wait Peter ? What happened to Pete or kid ? And sighed like I was the last think he wanted to see . "I first would like to introduce Jade my new intern." New intern ? He never said anything about a new intern. But eh! I can make a new friend now !
"Hi! I am Peter Stark! Nice to meet you." I said drawing out my hand with thought of handshake.
Huh? I never received. Instead I got shoved back by Mom ? (Pepper)
"First of all Peter Parker not Stark and second of all don't touch my kid with those filthy hands of yours." Mom said in a dangerous tone. It hurts .
"Don't call her mom or me dad" I got cutted off by dad. What's happening? Why are they all of a sudden doing this? It's hurting. My heart is aching.
"Peter listen." It was Uncle steve's voice. I turned around to see uncle steve and Avengers looking at me frustrated.
" We've found a better kid who is smatter than you" Uncle Steve said.
"Loving than you" Aunt Natasha said.
"Sweeter than you" Uncle Bruce said.
"Funnier than you" Uncle Bucky said.
"Enjoyable than you" Uncle Sam said.
"Cooler than you" Uncle Rhodey said.
"Hero than you" The kid said.
"Son than you" Mo- Pepper said.
"In short we've found a better person than you" Mr. Stark said.

These words broke my heart into a million pieces. At everyone's line I heard a crack. A crack in my heart until last line which just shattered it. My eyes were already teary and I didn't even realise.
"Peter go back and live with your aunt May from now on and don't bother us again." Mr. Stark said followed by Mrs. Stark. " your things are already packed up." She pointed in the corner of the room.
" Also I will be taking the suit, the stark phone and the laptop since you don't need one and it costly especially the suit which took my precious time." He said.
Precious time ? So I was a burden all along ? Flash was right that no one stays by my side and only stays by my side for charity case ? They also forgot that Aunt dead.
"I- understand ".
I said, almost choking because of my sore throat due to trying to keep my emotions in.
With that I took my stuff and went towards the elevator before turning back to see them last time even though they were giving me disgusting glares. I even saw that Jade kid smirking behind. The elevator doors closed and I told FRIDAY to take me to ground floor.
"Peter. Don't go. That Jade is not right person and we'll figure it out." I heard FRIDAY say. Even though she's AI she shows some emotion or I feel like it but this is my first time hearing her so sad.
"It's ok. Need not to worry" I fake smiled even though tears were still building up. On the way out everyone gave me sympathic looks like they knew what was going on. With that I left the compound.

*Back to present*
Here I was sitting on the green grass , crying thinking what just happened? What to do?
Because I just became an orphan and a homeless kid......

912 words

A/n- So how was it ? It's my first one so I don't have much experience but I hope you liked it.

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