Chapter 9:Meeting

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A/n - Well I kinda liked the last chapter because it was more reasonable than previous ones. So I am proud of it. I don't know if people will really like this story because it's something that came in my head while I was studying (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) . I really liked it but I have forgotten the maximum part so I am just going with the flow without any proper storyline that's why some chapters may be childish or unreasonable. But I wanted to write it anyway because that's how we learn right.
Thank you everyone who read my story. I just felt I needed to write about this.

Anyways let's start ~


Peter pov
*Time skip*

It's been a week since I came here. Slowly and steadily I am getting used to this place. When I cried in Pietro's arm that day, I fell asleep and he had to carry me to the bed. I woke to the sudden sounds of children going for dinner. That was the first time I was introduced to them and lets just say it was chaotic. First let me tell you about the children. In this orphanage there are 13 children. 1 child of 1 year and 2 twin of almost 3 years. Aside from them there are 4 girls and 6 boys. Girls goes from 5, 6 and two 9 years of age. On the other hand boys are from 6, two 7, 9, 10 and 12 years of age.
Ok enough introduction now what exactly happened that day....well
(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)


"Ok everyone now I am introducing our new member who will work here from now on. Meet *drumroll*

Pietro exclaimed and I swear I heard drumrolls. Well I am kinda nervous but don't let it show.

"Hello. Myself Peter Parker and I am soon to be turned 15. I will work here and take care of almost everything with Mr. Pietro"

"Call me big bro or brother. So does anyone have any questions ?"



Nobody is saying anything.

"He will work here ?"  the eldest among the children said.

"Uh yes ? Is there any problem ? Don't go on my age please just in case "

"Well you are too young to be working but it's fine"

"What can you do?" another kid said.

"It depends what you want me to do"

"I told you guys he's a genius. He can do anything"

"We will ask you something and answer truthfully ok"

"#ignoredpietro we seek justice. "
Pietro said.

Now everyone in the room started to ask questions so fast but since *ahem*
I'm a genius I was able to keep up.

"Can you cook?"


"What's your favourite dish"

"Cherry pie"

"How many dishes can you cook"

"Too many that you can't even count"

"Can you cook Ratatouille?"


"What are your hobbies"

"Cooking, experiment, inventing, photography " (and being spiderman and save the city)

"Are you genius?"


"What's 1+1?"


"What is the opposite of 3?"


"What is 22445 ×34786?"



"Lastly who is your favourite superhero?"

"Iron man"

My eyes widened. Without realisation I said it. Well he has always been my favourite but why is everyone so quit.


Suddenly room bursts into alot of joy and laughter.

"Me too!!!"

"That means you like avengers too !!!!"

"Mine is definitely Captain America"

"I like black widow. She is badass"

We kept on talking until someone said

"I like spiderman"
I have fans in Russia too but I miss being spiderman. I hope I can again be spiderman and go around saving people.

"Ok ok kids. How do you like our new member"

I look at them.


"We absolutely love him"


"We absolutely love you peter"

"We will never leave you alone Peter"

"Peter you deserve all the love in this world"

"Hey Peter..... PETER!!!"


"Don't cry Peter"


Wait I again started crying. How stupid of me.

"I-I am sorry"

"It's ok Peter as I said at that time everything is ok now"

"Yes uhh big bro Peter just don't cry"

"Yes big bro"

Yes brother we don't know what happened but we all are a family"

"Just call me Peter and thank you everyone thank you so much."

Then they all hugged me. It was such nice big hug.

After a lot minutes of hug.

"Wait guys" the eldest among the children said. Gosh I need to remember name too.

"The welcome ceremony is still left"

Welcome ceremony ???
Everyone look at me while grinning.
I look at Pietro

"All the best"

With that he left.

I look back at them and their face looks like they are about to eat my alive.

O God...

A/n - yeah flashback is still going on and will continue in the next chapter.
Also the questions are random. I didn't even know what to write so I did what came to mind. No offense to anyone.
Hope you enjoyed.

830 words

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