[18] Meaning of Writing

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What does writing mean to you?

Vicky_nfs: Procrastinating everything else I’m supposed to do

 Writing…I think it means more to me than I can actually put under words. It probably means more to me than I’m even aware of.

To me, writing is creating a whole different world where you get to play God and have everyone’s fate in your own two hands. You get to decide what happens, who lives, who dies, who gets their happy ending and who doesn’t.

Writing is also a way of expressing things you feel like you can’t express in real life. I’m sure that in a lot of stories deeper meanings are hidden just below the surface. When, in real life, none of your dreams come true, it doesn’t mean you can’t make them come true and should give up on them. You can simply write about it and somehow you’ll be able to share in your character’s feelings, and thus you’ll be able to feel as though your dream came true.

Not to mention how writing is a way to get bad feelings out of your system. When someone in real life annoys you, it’s so much easier to create a similar character and do whatever you want to him or her that you wouldn’t be able to do in real life. It’s bad to wish someone bad luck in real life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t kill him/her in a fictional world. (I’m not that evil though)

I like to think that by writing I can send a message to the world. A message that doesn’t necessarily have to be big, but something small that makes people think about what they have and how they could appreciate it even more than they do at the moment. I’m not saying that has to be the case with every story, but some stories hold valuable lessons, lessons the reader should be thankful for.

Writing equals fun, an emotional let out, being in control, parallel worlds, hidden messages and so much more.

Emmie: An Escape

Writing means everything to me, but to elaborate, it’s my sweet escape. When things in real life become stressful, or simply too much to handle, I fall into one of the worlds I’ve created in my stories and escape into it as I write. It’s nice to escape reality every once and awhile, and kind of a similar relaxing sensation as to mediation—or at least it’s that way for me, because when I write a story I just zone out and let my fingers do all of the work, while I imagine everything within my mind.

It’s something I’ve always done, ever since I was a kid. I just put on my headphones, listen to music, and write my life away. It makes me happy, but most importantly of all, writing calms me.

I really think that writing is a healthy thing to do, for anyone. It’s a great way to express yourself and get out all of that negativity. Poetry is a great escape also, but unlike many others on Wattpad, I suck at writing it.

Then there is the emotion I am feeling while I write...

I have different stories for different emotions.

The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan book one, was written when I was extremely angry. And Welcome to the Universe was my happy-escape; just something fun and creative to write. Truthfully, Love Me Dead is/was a mixture of emotion, but that story is mainly a “stepping stone” in a different direction—or at least it feels that way for me. Then there is Suicidal Dreams which was written when I was quite depressed, to be brutally honest.

But it never hurts to take that emotion and place it into a story, because what’s a story without emotion?

This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but I love this quote and thought I’d share it.

"If you don't give readers what they want, they will hate you. If you give them what they want, they will hate you even more."

~ Cassandra Clare.

Leigh19: My Escape

Ever since I was little I endured a lot of awful things in my life. At night time when the lights went out I would pretend I had a different life, A glamorous one in some alternate world. Granted I hadn't done much writing asides from fantasizing about co-existing in an alternate universe where impossible things became possible, which  was the ultimate life.  I tried to distract myself from my life with coming up with ideas filled with "what if's" and just let my imagination run wild. Writing was my sanity.

I was a total dreamer. Of course with age I grew up and life surpassed any good expectation that I had for myself. I love my life and my family BUT the stress' of everyday life are still there. Turning my ideas and using my overactive imagination I found  that writing made my ideas more solid, my vivid imagination could explore with no restrictions and  be set in stone ( or ink). 

I love running off into a world filled with mythical creatures, with strong heroines and the ultimate villain that people have a soft spot for.  I love experimenting with different styles, and genres of writing to see what I'm capable of.

When it came to reading I loved the feeling of being sucked in a different world and being able to picture everything in my mind like a crisp imprint, I wanted to give that affect to people with my writing. If I couldn't write  I'd be pretty miserable that's for sure. I want to be dramatic and say something like " Writing is like breathing- without it I would die." 

 I love the feeling I get from writing.

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