[5] Listening To Music And Writing

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Do you write with music on? Why?

Emmiie: Concentration  

Of course! I not only write to music, but I write to screamo music (full blast) in my headphones. I know, it’s weird, but I edit this way too. I don’t know why, but this helps me to concentrate on the task at hand.

I think it’s because I find it hard to focus on the one thing, and with my ears already occupied with sounding out this music, I can just zone out into the story and escape. I probably wouldn’t recommend this technique though, because it does make editing that much harder, and often results in a headache.

My suggestion, especially if you are experiencing writers block is to listen so some inspiring music (whatever inspires you really, though most writers prefer instrumental), and visualize your story whilst listening to the song. Then, once you’re feeling inspired, start writing to low music. Some people find that technique soothing, which compared to my loud screamo music, I completely understand.

Heck, I’ve even gone as far as making playlists for each character/story. It sounds silly, but as I write that story, it helps me to fall into character easier. Or when I am up to a certain scene, I play that same song on repeat so I don’t lose my inspiration or forget what I was planning on writing or/and happening. I find this has been very helpful, especially with my love for music and goldfish like memory! And in many ways, this acts out as a story outline, only music is a little different from reading words.

With my musical story outline, it’s a feeling more than anything; it reminds me of how I felt when these ideas for this particular story/scene popped into my head. It’s a great way of remembering, in my opinion.

Leigh19: Connection

I absolutely write while listening to music. For one thing it clears my mind of any other thoughts that might be running through there. Secondly it really sets the mood so to speak. If I’m listening to sad music while I’m writing a sad scene it really deepens the emotion it makes it easier to connect with your plot as if you’re right there witnessing it all or going through the scenario yourself.

Connecting with what you write is really important because it gives it a more realistic feel and approach to the story. If you’re happy and ecstatic while trying to write a violent and angry scene it just won’t mesh properly. Music  is just a means to express feelings and pent up emotions regardless of what they are and to have that encouragement while writing will only boost the quality of your story- well for me anyways.

Vicky_Nfs: Inspiration

That really depends on how focused I am. Sometimes music keeps me focused on what I’m writing, other times I have to turn it off because it’s too distracting.

Instrumental music, as in music used in movies or just any instrumental music in general, is perfect to create a certain feeling while I’m writing. Like when I’m writing something sad, it helps when I’m listening to sad music at the same time. That’s when I prefer instrumental songs because sometimes lyrics get more attention from me than my story. So, if you’re easily distracted, but also want to create a certain mood as inspiration to write, I recommend instrumental music over songs with lyrics – especially the very catchy ones.

However, I always listen to the playlist I create for a particular story before I start writing. Each one of my stories has a separate playlist with songs –instrumental or not- that somehow fit the storyline or feelings of my characters. I also try to visualize scenes to certain songs, that way it is easier to remember later on. All I have to do then is to listen to the right song and I’ll be able to see the whole scene in front of me.

Basically, when I’m writing it’s either completely silent, or there’s instrumental music playing.

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