[22] First, Second and Third Person

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Do you prefer to write in first, second or third person?

Vicky_nfs: First, sometimes third.

I’ve never even tried to write in second person. In my opinion, writing a novel in second person must be very challenging. I doubt whether it would actually work if I tried it.

Writing from a third person’s point of view is rather challenging to me as well. Whenever I write in third person, I’m afraid I’ll “tell” the story rather than “show” it. Nonetheless, using third person seems to come automatically when I write short stories. I’m not really sure why that is though.

When I’m working on a novel, I definitely prefer to write it in first person. Somehow, to me, this seems easier to capture emotions and feelings. The reason why I prefer to write in first person is probably that, when I write, I try to think like the narrating character. I “become” the character in my thoughts and that’s why writing in first person comes easier.

I think that writing a story in first person is a form of influencing your readers. I’m not sure how much sense this makes, but don’t you think that reading lines like “I feel”, “I think”, “My hand hurts”, “I love him”, “I’m terrified of this”, etc… actually influence your brain into believing you actually feel those things? I think this is what makes (some) stories told from one person’s point of view more powerful.

What I also love about writing and reading in first person is the cluelessness of the narrating character, and how this influences the story. When a story has been written from a third person’s point of view, the author can add more information that makes it clear that the main character interprets things the wrong way, etc… However, when you see the world through the eyes of the narrating character, you can never be completely sure that what the narrating character believes to be the truth is in fact the truth.

Writing in first person adds a little more ‘mystery’ to a story, and, in my opinion, it also makes it easier to make the reader feel your character’s pain, emotions, thoughts, etc…  

Emmiie: First, for now

First. Always. Though in real life, I tend to refer to myself in third person…Emma thinks it’s rather strange, to be brutally honest.

This is an example of how I see first, second and third person.

*Imagine yourself at a theme park*

Third: You are watching people on the rollercoaster.

Second: You are hearing about someone else’s ride on the rollercoaster.

First: You are on the rollercoaster, experiencing the thrill in all its glory.

It all depends on what works best for you, and personal preference. If you prefer to watch and observe from the sidelines, where you are able to view everything or (yes, it’s time for another one of my bad metaphors) be the ball. Sure, in first person “being the ball” you are limited. You only know what you know, and the rest is a mystery, but you also get to experience the thrills firsthand. Whereas in second person “watching from the sidelines” - you get to experience the fun of watching the game, and are able to view everything. And well, I guess in second person you’d be…hearing about the game? Listening to it on the radio? Watching it on the telly? I don’t know; second person is both foreign and confusing for me.

I actually had someone ask me awhile ago what’s the difference between first, second and third person…so just in case any of you don’t know, I’ll sum it up.

1). First – I.

2.) Second – You.

3.) Third – Emma.


1.) I went into the bathroom and washed my hands.

2.) You went into the bathroom and washed your hands.

3.) Emma went into the bathroom and washed her hands.

(I’m pretty sure that’s right, please correct me in the comments if it’s not…)

Third person seems to be the most popular nowadays (though not on Wattpad, from what I’ve noticed). As far as I’ve heard, publishers/agents prefer third person because it gives you more in the one story—you’re able to change between characters easier, because it’s told from a ‘birds-eye/God POV’. But when it comes to Wattpad; it seems most stories are written in first, and I’ve come across one that’s in second.


In my humble opinion, first person is more personal. You step inside a character; enter their mind—their way of thinking, and see the world through their eyes. It’s a great escape. Then again, I suppose I’m someone who likes to ‘be the ball,’ because I rarely even read stories that aren’t told in first.

If you had of asked me this question a few months ago, I would have said “I’ll only ever write in first, because the others bore me,” (no offence, as I said, just my opinion). But now, a few months later, I say, “I’m going to write in first, for now, because I find it to be the most interesting—but I’m not entirely ruling out the odds of me writing in third person in the future.”

Leigh19: First!

 FIRST! Although there is a downfall to having a story in first person because when in third you're able to envision the other characters more properly and have more depth to them it's a depth that comes with limitations.

In first person you may not get that initial depth to the other characters but to have a bottomless pit of depth from the main character which is something I can give my readers and hopefully they can appreciate and connect with my main character. I think so long as you have a substantial amount of depth into your other characters then it should be alright.

I find third person more difficult to write because you can't just jump into one character’s head because you're a little more scattered and even though some of the best books I've read were in third person, for me, I have a difficult time writing in it.

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