[23] Last-Minute Checklist

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           Do you have any last-minute things you check before you upload your work?


When I’m done writing, I use the spell check in Word to see if I missed any mistakes. Next, I check if I had the names of the characters alright. I tend to mix them up while writing so double-checking the names is necessary.

Also, when I re-read my chapter, I pay extra attention to used tenses. It’s so easy to mix up present and past tense, which makes it important for me to double check this.

By reading blogs and sites that handle editing tips, I’ve learned to pay extra attention to the words “that”, “it”, “there” and “you”. Replacing the words “that” and “it” with what they refer to makes your sentences stronger, so I’d like to do this wherever possible. I’ve learned not to use the word “there” when it doesn’t really refer to a place. Often, we just use it because we can’t think of a different way to say things so I try to use “there” as little as possible. (Although, I don’t check this every single time) Lastly, the word “you” should only be used when you speak directly to the user, which doesn’t really happen (a lot) in novels, that’s why I try to get rid of the word “you” whenever I used it without actually talking to the reader.

And then finally, right before I upload, I re-read the chapter out loud. By doing this, it’s easier to spot sentences that don’t sound completely right and other small things I wouldn’t have caught without reading it aloud.

Once I’ve uploaded something, I always hope that people will point out any mistakes they found while reading. I’m well aware of the fact that small mistakes still find a way to slip in so I trust that (certain) readers will let me know in order for me to fix it.

But yes, the most last-minute things that I check would definitely be the names of my characters, if what I wrote makes sense, and then… SPELL CHECK!


I do a happy dance! I'm not even kidding, it's like a mini celebration that I hit another milestone no matter how small. I anticipate the feedback and after I've uploaded I go back and re-read it to catch any other errors I might have missed.


Oh, yes, most definitely! I have this entire routine set out; it’s kind of bonkers really, because it’s so time-consuming. But all in all, I think it helps. And if I don’t do it…ah, well, I’ll get to that part in a minute. Ha-ha.

This is my pre-Wattpad-updating checklist:

1.) Write an awesome chapter (lol).

2.) Check it is between 3,000 – 5,000 words (this varies from story to story, but most are around the 5K mark).

3.) Double check it…you didn’t do it right the first time.

4.) Highlight text, look at word count; really study it…

5.) Rinse and repeat.

***Talk about OCD***

6.) Read over text, proofread, and ignore any coloured in text. Word-doc is lying to you, it isn’t wrong…and to prove it, right click on the text and hit the ‘ignore’ button. Yes, there, see? Problem solved.

7.) Create a picture. Try to have it relate to that chapter.

8.) Praise self…give yourself a pat on the back…the picture looks epic.

9.) Rinse and repeat.

10.) Listen to a bunch of songs; pick the one that best suits your chapter.

11.) Hold all self-praises, you haven’t uploaded yet!

12.) Find best (lyrics) Youtube video of the song you chose.

13.) Procrastinate; listen to other songs that pop up on the sidebar. Go on Facebook, check your emails, and reply to some…then twiddle thumbs.

14.) Check your text, picture, and video once more just to make sure they didn’t change while you were on Facebook (it could happen). Also, be sure your kick-ass chapter ends with a cliff-hanger that leaves your readers faces looking something like this: ;O Why you ask? Because you are evil and will make them wait an entire week for your next upload….hehehe.

15.) Upload. Make sure you fill out the basic/advanced options correctly. Double check. Tripple check. Then read your upload after it’s been uploaded…just to be sure it didn’t change whilst you were away.

16.) Refresh page constantly…it could have changed!

17.) Tada, you’ve successfully uploaded. Time to dedicate your chapter and share it on Facebook.

18.) Aftermath: continue to check inbox, chapter, and refresh constantly. People are commenting; you know they are; they’re just using invisible ninja ink! -.-

^ If I don’t do this, my brain might explode…

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2011 ⏰

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