Chapter 12

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I'm sorry for the delay, my loves. Take this longer chapter as a way for me to apologize :)


Friday, January 13th, 11:45 pm - Y/n Pov
The week had gone by faster than I would have liked it to. I was dreading Friday, and unfortunately the day finally came. I reached over to my nightstand, grabbing the note that Sal had given me that monday, and read it over once more.

I was scared. My brain wouldn't let me consider the fact that my parents were involved with a cult. I crumpled the paper and threw it into my trash can. It bounced off the rim and landed on the floor, rolling behind my dresser. I couldn't be bothered to pick it up, I just left it there.

My phone buzzed a minute later, Sal's contact popping up on the screen. I smiled slightly at the name and looked at what he had said. My smile instantly fell just as soon as it spread across my face.

Friday, Jan 13 at 11:48

Are you ready to go yet?


Are you okay?

Not reall, but ill be fine

It's gonna be okay...You're gonna be okay.
I'll be there wit u
Anyways, I'm outside

Thanks Sal, I'll be out in five

I turned off my phone and letting out a really deep sigh as I went over to my shoes and pulled them on. I grabbed my jacket and keys then left my room. Rob was out cold on the couch. It was actually hilarious how he was just sprawled out, one of his legs dangling off as well as his head. I snapped a quick photo and made it my lockscreen, I'll tease him about that later.

I exited the apartment, locking the door behind me, and found Sal leaned up against the wall staring off into space, as per usual. I tapped his shoulder and he looked up, his eyes meeting mine. I gave him a weak smile and made my way over to the elevators, Sal trailing behind me.

We rode down in silence. The apartment was eerily quiet and dark. I unconsciously grabbed Sal's hand and we walked down the block towards the park. By the time we arrived it was around midnight, the exact time this person, also known as T. Phelps, wanted us to meet at.

I sat on the swings, gently swinging back and forth waiting for the guy to arrive. Sal sat on the swing next to me and stared at the floor. For some reason he seemed a lot more nervous than I was.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the mystery guy showed up, wearing the same black hoodie he was wearing the last time we met. He approached us and Sal immediately stood up to greet him.

"Now look who's late," Sal said with a low chuckle.

"Shut it, Fisher."

I remained on the swings, tuning out the conversation before me. It was only then, when I heard the guy say something that caught my attention, did I tune back in.

"I was able to steal some of the documents I came across, specifically dossiers on two people with the same last name as her-," he said looking at me, "-and then a sheet that has records of days they attended and what went down. I have them here with me now," he said, reaching into his hoodie pockets. He pulled out three sheets of paper, all folded up into small squares, looking well over the age of all of us combined.

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