Chapter 16

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Please ignore spelling errors, I'm tired. I'll edit it eventually.

Wednesday, January 18th, 6:00 am - Y/n Pov
I was not excited to go back to school today. After Sal and I fell asleep, we stayed asleep for the rest of the day. I groaned and rolled over onto my side and shut off my blaring alarm. Sal stirred in his sleep next to me; I gently shook him awake. He woke up and sat up right on the bed, his head falling in his hands.

"Ugh, what time is it?" He asked groggily, his voice deep and dry.

"Around 6 am. We need to start getting ready for school."

"Do we have to go back?"

"Yes, Sal, we do. We've already missed the first couple days back. I don't need more work being piled up for me to do. Plus, I miss our friends."

"Yeah, I miss em' too," He says, sliding off the bed and heading out of my room. I followed after to find him grabbing his shoes that were by the door, but not putting them on.

"I'm gonna go get ready. I'll meet you downstairs?"

"Yup, see you then!"

I closed the door behind him and walked back into my room, grabbing my stuff for a quick shower. I turned the faucet on and let the water get hot. Steam soon clouded the room and fogged up the mirror so I took that as a sign to get in. The water burned at first but quickly started to feel amazing against my skin.

I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the fierce pressure of the water on my back. After everything that has happened to me in the last few days, staying in here was the only thing I wanted to do. Unfortunately, time was running out for me so I soaped up my wash cloth and began to clean myself.

Stepping out of the shower was a disappointment. My bare skin raised goosebumps as it came into contact with the cool air of the hall. I wrapped a towel around my body and ran for the warmth of my room. It was cold out today, one of the more brutal days of this winter. I decided to layer leggings underneath sweatpants and a long sleep shirt under an oversized hoodie. The school never had the heat on so it was like stepping into Antarctica every time you entered the building.

I went over to the kitchen and made myself some eggo waffles for breakfast. It was nothing fancy but it will have to do. Soon my phone chimed and I looked down to see who had texted me. It was Ash.

Platonic Girlfriend!
Wednesday, Jan 18 at 6:45

Hey Luv! I was just wondering
if u were joining us today?

Hey! Yes, I am going to school today,
dont u worry!
Why? You miss me~?

Yes! I've missed you WAY too much!

Dont worry you'll see me soon

I finished my breakfast and made my way over to my room to grab my things for school. Bag, shoes, headphones, keys, and a jacket: check. I left the apartment, locking the door behind me, and made my way over to the elevators. For some reason, the trip down was a lot shakier than before. The elevator rattled and shook, the lights started flickering on and off.

Once the doors opened, the lobby was unrecognizable. It was dark and quiet, the smell of an oh so familiar metallic scent filled the air: blood. I hesitantly stepped out and looked around. It was too dark to see anything so I used my phone as a flashlight. I stepped out into the hall and walked down towards the exit. There was nothing out there. No cars, no streetlights, no other buildings, and no people. It was a ghost town.

I squinted my eyes out towards the empty road that laid in front of me. In the distance stood a figure that gave me a weird sense of deja vu. But then it hit me... It was that thing that had left me alone for quite some time. It found me again. Just when I thought I could breathe easier for a bit, here it stood, before me.

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