Reviewer Profile-Roses (OPEN)

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Hi, I'm Roses. I haven't written much on Wattpad, but I have read a lot, with a focus on sci-fi, adventure, and fantasy, preferably in a young adult subgenre.

Preferred genres:

Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Adventure. Teenfic, but preferably as a subgenre.

Genres I won't review:

Poetry and fan fiction. I simply have no idea what to do with those.

Review style:

 Big focus on interesting and/or relatable characters, and strong writing that is both descriptive and engaging. I tend to avoid 'tropey' stories, but if the execution is unique, then you've caught my interest. I'll also focus a lot on the scenes in your story and how much effect they have on what happens.

Additional conditions: 

If your story is filled with grammatical errors and it's clear that you are writing without regard, then I won't review it.


-Give my book, All The Stars, a shoutout on your message board.

-Read 3 chapters of the same book and leave at least 5 inline comments on each one.



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