Daracka (Roses)

75 10 2

Author: HeideHunt

Reviewer: Rain_dropsand_roses

Genre: Fantasy

First of all, I want to commend you on the incredible effort you have put into this story. In particular, your world-building is exceptional, incorporating cultures and traditions from your country in a way that is both immersive and detailed. From the clothing to the food, and even the language, each of the different kingdoms is brought to life with such vividness that I feel like I am exploring a real, living world. Moreover, your use of videos and sections to explain different aspects of the world is incredibly helpful, and I never find myself confused about what things look or sound like. By creating a world that is so rich and detailed, you have achieved what many fantasy authors strive for: a universe that readers can fully immerse themselves in.

That being said, I do have one minor critique regarding the pacing of the story. While I find the focus on world and culture descriptions interesting, I do think that the story can be a bit slow at times. While epic fantasy often prides itself on comprehensive world-building, thematic majesty, and larger-than-life heroes, it is important to keep the story moving at a brisk pace. That being said, I do appreciate the complexity of your characters and the premise of a plot that ties everything together. The overarching plot raises some interesting questions, such as what Kazuri's research will lead to and what consequences Reiji's ascension to the throne might cause.

Speaking of characters, I find them all to be quite lively and distinct, each with their own unique personalities. Even if two characters were to have an exchange without any indication of who was speaking, I could easily tell the difference between them. I especially appreciate the way you contrast pairs of characters, such as Kazuri's recklessness to Kat Gida's caution, and Jiro's patience and keen perception to Hako's hastiness and lack of attention to detail. The characters are well-balanced and have both redeeming traits and flaws, making them feel like real, multi-dimensional people.

In particular, I'm intrigued by the girl that is being sought out by two of the three main characters. I hope that she is not just a plot device, and that you will delve deeper into her side of the story, especially considering the hints at her traumatic past. I also appreciate the way you build up the relationship between Reiji and Gat Kiyo, and how they complement each other so well.

Overall, I give this story a 5 out of 5 stars. Despite some minor pacing issues, the worldbuilding, characters, and plot are all incredibly well-done. I highly recommend this story to anyone who loves fantasy, especially those who enjoy detailed and immersive world-building.

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