Reviewer Profile-Haize (OPEN)

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Hi, I'm Haize. Can usually be found writing code that only I can read, or reading books that I wish I could write.

 I'm a big fan of all things fast-paced and action-packed, plus pretty much anything that falls under Sci-Fi.  I've written a few stories of my own, all within Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action/Adventure, and very recently Paranormal. Like most of you, I'm still learning as I go, so I don't claim that my word as a reviewer is perfect.

Preferred Genres

Action, Adventure, and Science Fiction mostly. Paranormal, Mystery, and Thriller work for me too.

Genres I Won't Review:

Romance, Poetry, and Fanfiction.

Review Style

Necessity of particular scenes and characters in your story and their relevance to the plot. Basically, I like for things to make sense. Whether it's dialogue, actions or just setting.

Additional Conditions:

Your book must at least show some signs of having been edited(grammar/punctuation).


✎Read two chapters of one of my stories: (Azrael/Snow and Shadow/Affinity), and leave 5+ comments per chapter.



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