Dragons for all

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Six months have passed since Hiccup returned Rapunzel to the kingdom and everything has been going perfectly fine.

Hiccup was on Toothless flying high above the sky as arrows and bolas come flying past the two.

"Come on, bud, they're gaining." Hiccup tells Toothless who screeches in agreement and flies away to avoid them all.

Down on the ground, Rapunzel has her hair tied up again and was riding on a horse when the others are gaining on them.

Toothless flies in and blasts the people gaining on her.

"Thanks!" Rapunzel appreciates them.

"No problem." Hiccup says as he and Toothless fly up, out of the way of the arrows.

As they kept going, the palace guards keep attacking as Toothless quickly blasts a few trees which block their way and notice that Rapunzel is heading towards a cliff and quickly head off to save her just as the horse she's on halts and goes flying when Toothless catches her.

They quickly land and help her down.

"I'd say that's enough for today." Rapunzel says as Pascal makes himself known from her hair.

"Well, Toothless needs to stay on his toes. And we need to keep sharp for anything that might come." Hiccup explains why he constantly has these exercises done almost every other day.

"Oh, Toothless is always ready for anything." Rapunzel says as she walks up and scratches the dragon's chin. "Isn't That right, you cute little guy?"

Toothless purrs in agreement and encourages Rapunzel to keep that up just as she scratches that spot below his chin and he drops to the ground.

"Your highness!" The captain of the guards call as they approach them. "You have been requested by the King and queen."

"Well, this is a fun way to start the morning, what do you say we make you a official princess?" Hiccup asks as he scoots Toothless, causing him to get back up and offering the two a ride.

"Nah, I'll race you back to the castle." Rapunzel states as she climbs on her horse and races back to the castle.

"Oh, did she challenge the offspring of lightning and death to a race?" Hiccup asks Toothless who laughs and they take to the sky to chase after her.

Rapunzel laughs as she looks up to see Hiccup following from close behind.

They make their way through the kingdom and met King Fredric and Queen Arianna outside the castle.

"Your majesties, what seems to be the problem?" Hiccup asks as he and Toothless land.

"Hiccup! Thank goodness you're here. We have a situation we need your assist in." King Fredric explains as they approach.

"What kind of situation?" Rapunzel asks.

"Dragons have been spotted in the forest." Queen Arianna explains to them, which surprises Hiccup that there are more dragons out here.

"I'll take care of it." Hiccup promised them as he turned to Toothless. "Let's see what we're dealing with."

"Hiccup, are you sure about this?" Rapunzel asked which Hiccup nodded quickly. "Okay, then I'll come with you."

"What?" Asked everyone.

"Rapunzel, these are wild dragons we're talking about. They won't be as friendly as Toothless." Hiccup warned her.

"I know, which is why I want to come. If they injure you while you're out there, there's going to be nobody to help you." Rapunzel explains to him. "And I promise not to get in the way."

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