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We arrive at out destination, our private driver already waiting on us.

We walk towards the car calmly, until my brother decides to act up and call shotgun.

I instantly than sprint off towards the car, the driver respectfully opening the door for me. I thank him and graciously sit on my seat.

Once the two boys enter the car, I turn my head back and stick my tongue out at the duo. "Haha, boohoo fucker" I tease my brother, he gives me a dead stare.

"Eyes at the front Bells" Nate says, pushing my head to the front.

"Idiot" I mutter, holding my middle finger up to him, this time, without turning around.


Once we're at the school, we are all instantly assigned to our bedrooms, each one of us going into a different direction.

I thank the woman who accompanied me to my room, and take my suitcases from her, then carefully I open the door. I am greeted by an excited squeal coming from both girls as they run to hug me.I immediately hug both of them back, strongly.

"I missed your two asses so much" I say as I keep them on the hug "we missed you more" they kindly reply as we back away.

I take a look around the room, it's the same one we occupied last year, the memories instantly flooding back into my mind. I can't help but smile at the sight in front of me.

There are two queen beds at the corner of the room, and one in the middle, with a small platform under it, making it slightly higher. I can already see the decorations on the two sides of the room.

One has butterfly lights all over the wall, fluffy bedsheets and loads of pillows. Family pictures and a vision board are held on the wall, and on the nightstand there's a cute lamp with books and a clock. Definitely Liz's side.

On the other side therefore there's plants on the shelf and singer posters on the walls. In her nightstand there's a single framed picture of her and her family and a lot of class books. Her bedsheets are a dark purple color, similar to the color of wine.

"You get this one love" Liz says pointing to the one in the middle. "We decided to keep the same beds as last year, since it seemed to work out okay" She explains, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Yeah of course, I love the arrangements" I tell them sincerely as I make my way to my bed, putting the suitcases on top of it. I huff out in relief as I let the heavy baggage down, instantly sitting on the part of my bed that isn't occupied.

"Alright then. So, how long have you two been here?" I ask them, starting to unpack my things.

"I arrived at.. I'm guessing one hour ago, one and a half max." Liz comments, coming by me to help with the clothes. Ames doing the same just after. "I came by earlier this morning" Ame tells me.

We continue to talk as they both help me settle in. I take the time and decide to tell them about my summer, and they tell me about theirs.

We usually don't spend summer together since middle school, because it was when we all fell apart. Liz now lives in California, Ames in Texas and I live in New York. The rest of the boys live by Florida or Georgia, so it really does end up making us drift apart solemnly.

"So.. It's still pretty early" Ames points out, looking at the time in her phone. "Do you guys feel like walking around? Wanna maybe show your brother his way on the school?" Ames suggests, now bringing her eyes between me and Liz. "Oh yeah, that'd be nice" Liz says, agreeing with Amelia.

"Nope." I instantly deny, shaking my head as I close the suitcase and put it under my bed. "What? Why not?" Liz asks suspicious of me, she frowns and twists her head somewhat to the side. "C'mon! Just to spend the time" Ames drags out the 'e' in time, she grabs my arm as Liz opens up the bedroom door, and against my will, I am taken the main hall, where we occasionally bump into the two people I wished I didn't have to spend a single minute more with.

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