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Alright, so, it's wednesday now and I am assigned to do a important homework with Nate.

I need this grade on English, just so I can have a A+ and shove it in Ghail's ass.

Anyway, he was avoiding doing it, but since, again, I do not like to do homework things on weekends, I wanted to make this all right now, and just get it over with.

I call Nate

"yeah?" he says in a tired tone "did you just woke up? It's like 2pm" "I came home and slept. Don't see a problem there" "whatever. We need to make that project" I tell him anxiously. "it's due monday, we can do it later" he answers before turning off the phone call.

I call him again

"what do you want now?"
"why can't we do the project right now?" I ask already annoyed.
"sorry, are you thinking I would give up on all my plans just to be with you?" I can hear his smirk through the phone, and honestly? I was wishing I could rip it off his face.
"your plans as in sleep the entire afternoon?" I ask bitterly to which he responds with a 'oblivous' "yea". My eyes close as I breathe deeply to answer him calmly "then I'm sure you'll cancel it just to be with me" "learning things from me hm" quietness is present for a while until I break it with "don't know what you're talking about"  He laughs at my say, "sure sweetheart, see you in 10" and just like that, the conversation is over.

I turn off the phone as I get the papers, books and research I've done so far to help us with our work. I won't be having anything less than a A+ on this. This is basically asking us to get a good grade.

It's a slides presentation. We have to talk about Parallel sentence structure

It truly sucks, there is very little material to look for in the activities he passed to us during the classes.

Liz and Ame are out. Liz has cheer practice and Ame track and field.

I spread the material I have on my desk, and start to make my research.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my door, nope, scratch that, I hear my door burst open.

Yep, the doors are forbidden to be locked here.

I turn around in scare, and I see Nate leaning on the door.  "What? Are you gonna help or just stand there?" I ask him "I was thinking of staying here" He responds "Haha, sure, when pigs start to fucking fly that might happen. Come here and help me" I say as I open my laptop and create the slides presentation.


We got our notes on everything we needed, we wrote it down so it would be easier to pass to the presentation. I did the writting so Nate is going to make the entire slides.

I look at his fingers as he taps each letter on the keyboard of my MacBook. He is focused.

He is wearing a black compression shirt and grey sweatpants with some drawings on it. My eyes start to wander to his arms, veiny arms and tattooed. Not like elliot, but still a lot. His arm is fit just like the rest of his fucking body

why does he have to be so hot?

I look at his face, frowned eyebrows and he's wearing glasses, not a usual sight for me. His hair is messy but somehow it managed to still look good.

His chest, so defined I could spend hours looking at it, I travel down his abs until-

"I thought the work was your focus, not me sweetheart" He says smirking as he looks at me and closes the laptop.

"What?" I ask him, faking being clueless "Oh, I saw you checking me out angel" I am sure my cheeks are pink. "I am glad you're enjoying the view" He says leaning forward in my direction. We're both sitting at chairs which are one next to the other, his body tho is now 100% turned to my direction as I am half turned to the front.

"I was despising the view" I talk back, clearky nervous but I try to sound not like it. "Just admit you feel your heart beating on another place when I'm this close to you" He says smirking, it sounds almost like a whisper. He is so close to me. "You should be the one to admit that somewhere else grows when you're this close to me" both can play this game.

"You wish it did, don't you?" He comes closer and says it on my ear, I feel his colone, and just like that, it's gone. He chuckles to himself as he back away

"I hate you" now I am comming towards him as I say.

"Believe me, no one could despise you more than I do" He says and he grabs his cup of water from the desk and drink it, looking straight at me.

"Great we're on the same page, but just so you know, the way that you fucki-" "shut up" he interrupts me "no! Wha- wh- who do you think you a-" "shut the fuck uuuup" he interrupts me again "OH MY GOD LET ME FINISH MY FUCKING SEN"


he throws the remaining water that was on his cup in me. What does he have with making me wet?         Thank god i didn't say that outloud.

"NATHANIEL CARRINGTON" I shout at him as I hear his laughs.

"You cannot be laughing right fucking now" I say enfuriated. I clean the water off my eyes and he's still laughing.

"NATHANIEL I WILL-" I turn around and get a pillow "KILL YOU" I say as I throw at his face and he falls from the chair to the floor

"THERE IS NO WAY, YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR EXPRESSION" He says while still laughing at my face. My hair is soaked.

I come closer to him and shake my hair just like a dog next to him "OH HAHAHAHA, Now you're literally just acting like a bitch" He laughs his way through his words "Get it? Cause of the dog shake" He laugs even more. He is at the ground laughing like a fucking idiot.

"I swear to god I think I hate you more than anyone in this entire world" I say as start to leave to go to the bathroom but he strongly grabs my wrist "I know you love me" He says still from the ground.

I scoff at his say, I quickly grab another pillow and throw it right on his face, making him lay on the ground as I fall on his lap.

"Does that answer my question?" I ask as I continuely hit him with the pillow until he takes it off my hands "Not really, I'm gonna need you to use your words" How can something not at all sexual, sound so sexual when he says it?

Looking at myself right now, I realize I'm straddling him on the ground. Honestly I don't even care. The one thing him and I have in common is our hate for eachother

"I hate you" I repeat myself as I try to leave "Not what I asked" He says as he changes position, so now he is at the top "And I'm gonna need an answer"

"Really? Cause I don't feel like giving you one" I say in a temptive way, now smirking as he is too.

We get closer to eachother, to the point where I can feel his breath, our bodies touching, chest to chest.

Until the door bursts open and we immediately let go of eachother.

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