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Liz didn't noticed since she was dancing with some of her other friends, I say to her I'll be right back and go to the bathroom.

I whisper to myself a ton of insults before arriving at the bathroom.

As I arrive, I let the door opened and start pouring water on my dress to take off the horrible smell that it was, and then I tap multiple times the towel on my dress

Until I see Nate. "NATHANIEL! Come here" I say to him as he enters the bathroom and closes the door.

"What the hell do you fucking want?" He asks as he sits on the closed toilet.

"Woah, so much nattitude there" I say bitterly. "I just wanted to let you know that your girl just basically ruined my dress, she fucking propositaly hit my cup which made all the fucking drink spill on me."

I say infuriated as I continue to tap the towel on me more agressively. "Why are you telling me this?" he asks "because she's a fucking bitch!" I snap at him

"at least she's hot and kisses so fucking well" he says getting up

this get's to my nerves.

"sure she does" I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes and leave the towel on the balcony.

"what the hell do you mean?" he says getting closer to me, the point which my back is touching the bathroom door.

"I mean other people are so much fucking better at it than she is" I say as I look right into his eyes, him putting his hand on the door behind me

"why? Are you?" He asks each time leaning closer and closer

"I thought that was an obvious answer" I tell him he smirks "it isn't yet" he says as he leans over me. I feel myself so fucking hot right now I know for a fact i'm blushing.

as we get closer and closer his hand opens the bathroom door. He chuckles to himself and whispers in my ear "maybe next time you can show me" and he leaves the bathroom.

I stay there just for a couple more seconds to actually understand what the fuck happened.

i hate him, I hate him so much.

I'm even disgusted to be that close to him.

I walk out of the bathroom and hit myself in someone, as I apologize and look up, it's Arthur.

Oh god, can I just not see any males anymore?

"Hey, haven't seen you here" Arthur asks me as his hands go down my waist.

Oh no, I'm not doing this today.

"yeah, well, I'm just leaving either way" I say to him "oh, really? A girl as hot as you shouldn't be leaving.. I think I need another tour" he says and it gets me more intrigued. I can't let Nate ruin this for me

"really? Tomorrow we can find something I will show you" I tell him politely and he smiles and walks away.

Alright, he was kinda respectful. It's fine.

I shake my head and try to find ANY of my friends, cause that seems to be a mission impossible.

I go over to the dance part, no one that I know is there. Flynn fucking disappeared the entire night and so did Amelia. Where are these people?

After walking for a while I see at the outside part Elliot and my brother sitting by the pool. I go over there.

"Hey guys, how've you been? Barely talked to any of you tonight" I say as I sit beside them

"Yeah well, I got into a fight with Sabrina" Elliot says and my worriness goes up. Oh fuck. He must be very shaken up, he didn't like the girl, but he needed her for now.

"what happened?" I ask him "Well.."


I finally got to the kitchen. I bumped into everyone but I got there.

Sabrina asked me for one more drink, so here I am. I won't put anymore vodka in this, she have had enough already.

I asked her to stay by the couches so I could only put soda in her cup, thank god she did

I'm doing this for her own sake to be honest. She's definitely already gonna throw up, and I have given her like 2 drinks, she definitely took something else from here, especially because I saw her taking something from Liam some time ago.

I finish up her drink and I see Nate getting out of the bathroom, he's smiling. I wave at him but he's so caught up in his own thoughts that I don't think he saw it.

I shrug it off my mind and go back to Sabrina, as I get closer to there, she's kissing Liam. Guess I know how she payed for what she took earlier.

I take a deep breath. I do not like this girl, not even a little bit but my parents told me I had to fucking marry her.

I pretend as if I didn't see it and walk back to the kitchen. I see Liz here now, she's pouring water on a cup for herself.

"Hey blondie" I say to her as I see a smile appear on her face "Hey ell, where's sabrina?" She asks me. Well, what the fuck do I say..

"Probably kissing other guys" I say and she takes as a joke, great. "don't even manifest it, she wouldn't think of it. You're to handsome to be cheated on" she says. Well tell Sabrina that.
"Thanks, I wished she thought the same" I tell her.

"Wait, is she actually cheating on you?" Liz asks with a more serious tone. "Yep. She is."
"Why the hell are you standing here like a bafoon? Go stand up for yourself" she says.

"Can't do that. She's basically my arranged marrige" I see Liz's face drop the second I told her that. She looks just worried now

"What? Are you being forced to be with the girl?" She asks and I nod. "Well, I bet she can be better, talk to her maybe, who knows, maybe she's a fun and outgoing girl but you just haven't given a chance" I really like liz, she always manages to find the good in people, she's a perfect girl.

The way her hair-


"ALRIGHT! Enough drooling about my best friend. Have you said anything to that fucking bitch?" I ask Elliot

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