Chapter 8

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A black slick SUV drove into the large spacious lawn and parked in front of a tall massive mansion. The entire lawn was all lighted up with lights all around the mansion. The lights made the mansion to glitter out like gold. It was the most exquisite and finest mansion in the estate among many others. It both served as awe and drooling over the beauty of the magnificent mansion as well as it brought envy and jealousy among residents in the estate.

One of the guards rushed towards the backseat door and opened the door before bowing down as Lionel stepped out of the car all dressed and adorned in his black suit that was still without any creases after the entire day had ended. He had a very thin beard around his face with his hair much fuller. He still had that charm of the most handsome businessman in New York and this time wasn't with the tag of bachelor but a married man.

He walked into his home with an expressionless robotic face and was heading towards his room. He had a very long day and was tired as well. He needed a quick nap before continuing his work at home. His steps were halted when he heard a feminine voice.

"Welcome home dear," Monique stepped out and Lionel could tell she was coming from the kitchen as she was wearing an apron that fully covered her huge belly. She smiled before she walked up to him and helped him pull off his suit jacket. "How was your day at work?" She asked trying to initiate a conversation. She only got a humming approval from him as his response. Her shoulders fell slightly by his indifferent behaviour.

Lionel resumed his walking up towards the elevator. "I made dinner for you..would you like your dinner brought to your room?" Monique asked. Lionel turned to her. "I'll appreciate if one of the maids do it. You shouldn't be working in the kitchen or doing anything in your condition." He repiled curtly and entered the elevator. Monique nodded feeling dejected before she turned to Surbhi, the head maid and placed a small smile before racing towards the kitchen and getting Lionel his dinner. Surbhi felt bad for her madam. She wandered why her boss was treating his wife like a complete stranger. She always wandered why. She had been working for them in the last two years and saw their relationship was just sour and nothing more.

Monique rushed out carrying a tray filled with all kinds of dishes selectively just the way Lionel liked it. Surbhi rushed to meet her and held the tray. "Ma'am you shouldn't be doing this much work. You're pregnant and..." Surbhi trailed off at the end and kept shut not wanting to hurt her madam's feelings. The years she had been here was enough for her to grab the knowledge of her madam being a sensitive woman. "Take it to him, will you." Surbhi nodded and took the tray heading towards Lionel's room.

Monique sighed and sat down on the couch closest to her. She hissed slightly as she felt a little headache. She rubbed her belly and smiled warmly. "I just hope you'll be able to breach the gap between your father and I when you come into this world." She could only hope and in her condition, she desperately needed Lionel's care and love more than his support. She wanted the old Lionel who once proposed to her for marriage and treated her right. How she wished she had gathered the courage to tell him the truth about her back when they were dating and not him finding out after their marriage. He was never the same after that.

Lionel took off his tie as well as his shirt and pants leaving him in only his black boxers. His body was damn like that of an athlete with his six chiseled abs and in full display. He was about heading towards the shower when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in."

The door opened and Surbhi walked in. "Excuse me sir, I came..."

"Drop it on the table there." Lionel cut her off before Surbhi nodded and was about to walk out of his room when he spoke again. "Make sure your madam takes her medications on time." Surbhi nodded before walking out of his room with his door closed behind her.

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