Chapter 41

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Lionel was on an online call with Greyson. Apparently they had decided to start a business venture together. It was Lionel's idea and Greyson was all aboard on the business idea. Lionel was a smart ass at business more than Greyson and he knew that very well. The duo had become recently close to one another after the incident Greyson found him at the club drunk.

Greyson wouldn't have thought that Lionel would one day value Eden so much. He always saw Lionel trying to control Eden and saw her as a lesser value compared to him. Now he only saw how Lionel smiled widely whenever Eden's name was mentioned. It was a sight to see.

"I'll send a few of my team over to the Bahamas to check on the tender. That spot will be perfect for the venture." Lionel sipped his morning black coffee while staring at his laptop screen. Greyson chuckled and liked the idea. "I completely agree with you on that one. That spot will be perfect for the project. It's a commercial place with bustling industries." The venture Thursday decided to start was also a way of helping the community in creating more opportunities for the youths in such cases.

For once, Lionel didn't think of the profits alone, he also thought of how beneficial this project was to many lives and homes. Greyson had an engagement party with his girlfriend in a few days and his engagement was the talk of the city. Every news channel in New York had his name on the spotlight and covers. Janette was often questioned by the same but she always gave the answer of them mutually separating. She couldn't care less and even talks of her now being with a French business man were circulating around the media as well.

"Many people are being included in this plan. And if it's  a cause to help better the lives of youths, them am all in." Greyson's soon to be fiancé had changed him for the better. He wasn't always interested in profits all the time while embarking on a new business idea. No doubt this partnership venture between them was gonna make them tons of money but above that was the reason of saving lives of the youths instead of drowning themselves in alcohol and drugs. It was a common thing among them.

"The things love makes a man do." Greyson chuckled and Lionel couldn't help recall a time when he and Eden came across a troubled and addicted kid on the streets. He was barely sixteen years old and was already swimming in drugs. He had no family and basically grew up on the streets along with bad company.

Eden wanted to take a walk instead of driving in a car. Lionel didn't agree but for her sake reluctantly agreed. They both were walking when this kid rushed out from an alley and grabbed Eden's purse running away. Eden gasped and Lionel was infuriated. He ran fast and chased the boy. He managed to catch up with the boy by his collar. He balled his hands into fists and almost punched the boy hard but Eden held his fists in mid air.

The boy scrunched his eyes shut expecting the punch to land on his face but after a few seconds and nothing hit him, he slowly blinked and opened his eyes. Lionel was boiling with anger but Eden was sympathetic towards the boy. It wasn't his fault and found out that the boy needed money for drugs. Lionel didn't want to get involved and help the boy but Eden insisted. Lionel remembered them sending the boy for treatment in a clinic outside the city. It was a way to cure him and make his life a better one by the time he got out clean.

Lionel hummed with a smile. His thoughts of Eden made him think of this idea and was super glad that Greyson was on it with him. Who would have thought that two rivals will end up being best of friends.

"Sir," Lionel moved his head from his laptop towards the glass door of his office. His secretary walked in. "Yes?" He asked.

"Sir Miss Monique is here to see you." His secretary replied and Lionel's mood turned sour. Why was she here to see him. He had made it clear that they were done and never should see each other again. "Looks like you still have a problem to deal with my friend." Greyson laughed and Lionel scrunched his nose in discomfort.

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