Chapter 23

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Eden got to her work and was met with her first customer. She began to style the woman's hair while her mind went back to Julian. He was really upset with her as he didn't even sent her a good morning sticker on her Whatsapp chat. It was always a daily routine for him to do so.

She never used to wait for it as it was always there before she opened her eyes in the morning. But today, she checked her phone all the time from the moment she woke up but nothing came till she reached the company.

Her mind drifted away and the rollers she was using had twisted the woman's hair making her to yell out immediately catching Eden's attention.

"Aah, what the hell are you doing lady?" The woman hissed out completely upset. Eden opened her mouth but no words came out. She didn't know how to apologize and seeing how infuriated the woman was, it wasn't any guess that her client was short tempered and very hard to please.

"Won't you say something? Cat got your tongue?" The woman sneered again. " sorry ma'am. Please forgive me. It won't happen again." Eden spoke out.

"The reason why I chose you was because of Souqeline's recommendation and I heard you're the best stylist here. But...." The woman rolled her eyes as Eden untangled the woman's hair from the rollers. "Forgive me, it won't happen again." Eden apologized non stop and shaked her head to be in full focus. The last thing she wanted was to have an issue on her first official work day.

The thing with Julian was bugging her but she heaved a long sigh. He was nothing but a good friend to her and she hadn't ever had him in her mind constantly before but now knowing he was upset with her for the first time, she couldn't help but be restless.

She kept her focus on her work and was done with the woman's hair. Eden sighed in relief and the woman smiled with content staring at her new look through the mirror. "Well it's true that you are the best here at your work. I'll recommend you dear." Eden opened her eyes in awe. The woman who was once screaming and almost chopping her head off was now praising her work and smiling all through. Bipolar?

Eden continued her work with the next client and by the afternoon, she was done with her clients for the day and went over to the cafeteria area to get a smoothie and burger.

She dialed Julian's number while she ate her burger but he wasn't responding which was also very weird and not like Julian. She huffed and felt upset for how Julian was ignoring her calls.

"And what's with the face girl?" Anne took a seat opposite her at the cafeteria. Eden quickly denied and turned her face being nonchalant while sipping her smoothie. "It's nothing Anne. Am just a bit worn out from the work that's all." Anne of course didn't believe a single word. She knew Eden was bothered about something.

She caught Eden staring at her phone nonstop. "Hey, what's the matter. I thought you'll be finally happy that you got a job now." Eden smiled, "Of course am happy but am...fine am also upset that Julian's ignoring me. This is the first time he's never texted nor called me since today." Her smile turned into an angry pout at the last sentence. Anne chuckled seeing the angry look on Eden's face.

"Are you worried about him now? That's unusual," Anne commented. Eden wasn't reacting at all to her sarcasm and just got more annoyed. "I'll just go now. Susan must be at home now." Eden got up from her seat and was about to leave when Anne stopped her with her words, "You should go and apologize to him." Eden knew who Anne was referring to.

"Do you think I haven't tried that. I've been calling him but he's so mad not to respond to my calls." Eden huffed out in annoyance. She still couldn't get what Julian's problem was and why he was giving her the cold shoulder.

Meeting My Ex Husband Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora