Chapter 30

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Eden walked into her mother's apartment and tossed the house keys onto the center table. She fiddled with her hair feeling exhausted and nostalgic at the same time. She breathed out deeply and thought of what had happened while she was at the hospital. She held her face with one hand and shooked badly. She recalled almost rushing to his arms when she saw him in pain not thinking about the other woman that was present in the room as well. The woman who was none other than his wife.

She needed to control her feelings and it was now she had realized she hadn't totally forgotten about Lionel completely which was very bad on her part. She supposed to have moved on and remembered Julian's words about her still clinging unto her ex-husband.

She rubbed her face in the sink in the kitchen and let out a loud gulp of air before wiping her face dry. She needed to stop all this and what even got her on edge was the fact that now he wanted her again. He was even willing to divorce Monique in order to prove his love for her but she wasn't supposed to act like a fool or a woman who was madly in love in order not to think straight. There was no way she could trust him again after everything he had done to her. It was just too impossible and her mind darted to Monique.

She couldn't be selfish and steal away someone's husband away. Sure she did that to her but she wasn't like her. She wasn't like Monique to steal a married man especially now when Monique was going through a lot with the loss of their child and her health.

She didn't bother to walk into Mia's room nor stop by her mom's room and just simply walked into her own room shutting the door behind her. She wanted to take a quick shower and only noticed how her right sleeve had torn from her shoulder. It dawned on her that it was that drunken thief who almost had his way with her if not for Lionel coming to her rescue. She made a mental note not to walk on the streets that late at night.

She was glad she was safe and took off her clothes before entering the shower. Allowing the cold droplets of water rain down on her whole body, his words came to echo in her mind. I want you back Eden. Believe me I will make things right again. I will set things right. She shooked her head time and time again refusing to allow his words affect her. She needed to stop whatever illusions he was having of getting her back. She wasn't going to go back to him just because he said he wanted her now. He was obviously doing the same thing to Monique like he did with her. He was still being selfish in this case and Eden wandered if Monique was even strong enough to handle such news after what she had been through.

She wrapped a towel around her body and stepped out of the bathroom. Wiping her hair with a clean towel before picking up her hair dryer, her phone buzzed in a message alert. She grabbed her phone on the bed and saw it was a message from Julian on Whatsapp.

        Can we talk. I want to explain everything.

       Paula isn't in my life. Please let me explain.

       The last thing I want is for our friendship to end.

Eden sighed and also didn't want that. She didn't want to loose a good friend like Julian who always stood by her side when she had no one. He was the way that lead her to be confident and where she was now. She owed where she was only to him.

She probably got a bit overboard and fought with him just because of his ex in his apartment. She dialed his number and called him. He picked up on the first ring. "Hello Eden," His voice immediately came through and she could also hear how he breathed out a sigh of relief. He was on edge for only a few hours of their fight. He really did care about her a lot and that spoke well of him to her.

"Hi Julian. so sorry for my outburst..." Julian immediately cut her off. He was always stern with her whenever she tried apologizing to him. "I've told you before. Don't apologize to me. And wasn't your fault at all." Eden sighed. "Of course it was my fault Julian. I shouldn't have gotten angry just because you allowed your ex into your apartment. That was very wrong of me and was totally uncalled for." Julian smiled and could notice her concern for him even if it was just a tiny bit. She didn't want him to be heartbroken once again by meeting up with Paula but it was far from the truth.

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