Chapter 42

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"Excuse me?" Paula blinked getting irked by Julian's high tone with her. How dare he to talk to her in that tone of voice. "You can't talk to me in that tone Julian." She warned straightening her body and resting her back against the headboard.

"I can talk to you however I damn feel like Paula and right now I want you out of my house!" Julian was raging for committing such a mistake. He did in the moment that he was blinded by anger. He blamed Eden for everything. For his life changing and making him do things he wasn't a fan of. It was all her fault and he wasn't going to allow her to leave him just like that.

He had enough of always been used and didn't want to be that man anymore. Paula had only being with him for pleasure and status and dumped him as soon as she found an alternative that could boost her up. Eden on the other hand used him to prove to everyone that she was over Lionel. He hated always loosing at the end of the stick and that too against women that ruined him.

"Didn't you hear me? I said out! Pack your stuff and get dressed and fucking leave! This was nothing." He yelled out even more feeling more frustrated and upset at himself. He had cheated on Eden despite not even wanting to and he could only blame everything on Eden. She left him in that state and he needed a release as well.

"You were the one who was desperate for me to be here last night and now you want to kick me out after having your way with me last night? How could you Julian." Paula felt hurt by his words and Julian hissed rolling his eyes. "Stop with the act Paula. You're the person who has a high degree at betrayal and not me. You also used me when you needed me and threw me aside like some worthless piece of trash when you found someone else you could benefit from. You're just like a parasite who leaps from one person to the next better person that you can gain from." Julian spatted out.

Paula blinked in shock processing his words. "I loved you Julian. I really did and still do but back then, I had to put my career and life first before my heart." Paula tried explaining and Julian chuckled throwing the sheets away and storming into the bathroom slamming the door hard making Paula jump on her spot.

"I want you out before I come out Paula!" She heard him from the bathroom and she gritted out. She felt insulted and being used as a cum basket for him last night. She was better than that. She flipped her hair angrily and began to dress up. She finished later on and Julian walked out of the bathroom wearing shorts but his upper body was bare.

"You're still here." He was irritated by her presence and Paula was beyond furious. She couldn't bear any more humiliation from someone like Julian. She felt being used like one of those whores that get payed for a night with their clients.

"You'll regret ever doing this to me Julian! Am not a prostitute. I came only because you wanted me here. I came to soothe your pain and you had your way last night and now you're treating me like this...." She shooked her head angrily while grabbing her heels. Julian smirked at her. "You also did the same thing to me in the past Paula and you have no idea how much I suffered when you broke my heart." He seethed at the end. "Is this revenge?" Paula gasped.

"Call it as you may see fit Paula but what happened has happened and my heart," He pointed his finger directly at his left side chest where his heart was. "This heart only beats for one person now and I will be with her and that person is Eden Quinn." Paula growled and pushed him angrily.

"I also suffered as well when I left you Julian. I wasn't happy in my marriage to Russo. I was trapped but I had to think of my future back then. I had no one. No family, no relatives. I was on my own and I had to struggle my whole life to even land that job as an intern back at the company. I had to secure my life or I was going to be ruined....aah!"

Paula gapsed when Julian pounced on her by grabbing both her shoulders gripping them tightly and harshly. "You're hurting me Julian." She winced out.

Julian gritted his teeth glaring at her showing her all the hatred he harbored for her for years. "You suffered. Don't treat me like am some fool Paula. You were living your life like a queen as Russo's girlfriend and wife. You're back as he is dead now. Of course you inherited all his wealth and now you believe that you can come back and suddenly fix everything?" He was shaking with rage when he remembered how she dumped him while all smiles and kissing Russo in public and in front of him. She seemed happy and where she has always wanted to be. She was greedy.

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