Ch.1 A Triumphant Return

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~I hope you enjoy reading the first chapter! The rest of the story will start to come out in January! ~

A young man dressed in the Blood Red Army's armor, spurred his horse forward as clouds of smoke billowed in his wake. The glistening sweat on the regal black horse's pelt showed that he had been galloping for a couple of hours straight.

As the soldier neared the village he repeatedly exclaimed, "They're coming! The Blood Red Army won! General Burke is victorious!"

The villagers, one by one, slowly crept out from the safety of their cottages. Hundreds of voices shouted with joy at the prospect of peace.

Parents fell to their knees and wept for joy, as they prayed their thanks to God. While children danced around waving colorful ribbons in the air. Signaling to the end of the war with the enemy from the plains.

The soft stomps of horse hooves gradually became louder as thousands of troops neared closer to the villages. The ground shook as the soldiers marched through the villages and into the city.

They passed street vendors and early morning shoppers. A maid dashed to the side away from the returning soldiers. The peoples' voices only praised and cheered louder in the city.

The Blood Red Army came back home to the Capital of the Leifsson's Empire. The skilled troops marched through the streets with heads held high. The drums sounded throughout the Kingdom to announce their triumph.

Once the soldiers were outside of the Castle grounds they immediately stopped in sync. For a couple seconds, it was completely quiet as everyone waited.

Only the sounds of the horses' breaths billowing in the frosty air, broke the earie silence. The soldiers on horses then parted like the Red Sea and lined up on the sides of the road.

From the middle of the soldiers, in a triangle formation, three men dressed in the finest armor rode their horses through the crowd. All the soldiers held their heads high as their leader went by. Waiting patiently for the gates to open.

The young man leading his troops at the head, was the most formidable of them all. He had led his troops to victory with minimal loss of life by his war tactics and bravery. 

The only thing that distinguished himself from being in the midst of the war, was a giant slash from the shoulder to his stomach on the armor. He had one cut barely visible at the edge of his left eyebrow, but his blonde locks disguised it well.

No other cuts or blood could be seen except for the lingering enemy's blood on his armor. Dozens of old scars from knives and sword wounds remained hidden beneath the protective layers.

The people lowered their heads in fear and respect as he went by because he was the young but victorious general. Only at age 21, he had garnered such respect and ability from his vigorous training.

The general stopped in front of the wooded gate before a horn blew and the gate rumbled open. There stood an older man dressed in a court official's attire. He was the announcer of royal edicts from the King.

In a nasally pitched voice he announced, "General Burke, has won the war for the King and the people of this Kingdom! He has brought peace to the Kingdom that will never be forgotten. By decree of the King, Burke will be awarded with 10 pounds of gold, 10 pounds silver, land and a respectable castle! He will be rewarded with the title of Duke Burke and be the Commander in Chief for his Blood Red Army Legion!

The man stopped to take a breath before continuing, "Each of his men in the Blood Red Army that fought alongside the General, will also be rewarded with grain and a pound of silver. Accept this decree!"

In one swift motion the General jumped off his horse and landed with a thud. His armor clanged with each step bringing him closer to the man. When he stood towering over the man, he knelt down and raised his arms above his head to accept the roll of paper in his hands.

He then stood up with his face void of emotion. His soldiers cheered for their General as he brought honor to all of them.

Just then a man with greying hair and a limp to his step, came down the long stairs that lead up to the Kings Hall. In a hurry, he presented himself to the General and started to wheeze heavily as he tried to speak.

"First take a breath Mandor, what would I say to the King if you had passed out in front of me?" The General said with dry humor. A sliver of a smile broke across the young man's face.

If anyone knew the General, they would know that he would never crack jokes in front of the officials from the court no matter how dull they may be. However, Burke grew up with this man who happens to be the King's executive official. The closest person to give the King advice.

"Oh you! Don't worry, this old man won't die yet." The elderly man exclaimed winded.

The elderly man seemed to have caught enough breath to continue, "His Majesty has one last request of you before you can get be granted your long awaited rest!"

This piqued the General interest as his left eyebrow raised. A habit not known to many but his own soldiers.

His second and third in command stood behind him and looked at each other. Curious as to what order the King had proclaimed so soon after the war.

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