Ch. 6 The Reunion

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Coming up to flank the General's horse, Lars said clearly confused, "Did I hear it correctly? The fugitive man said he was related to the Gunvaldsen family by marriage. So, the miss that led us to him was his sister's niece by marriage? Then why did she sell him out if he was connected to her?"

The General thought for a moment before saying under his breath, "She's quite the mystery."

"What Burke?" Lars questioned. He didn't catch the words the General just said.

"I said we're heading to the King's office. Don't speak to anyone about the encounter with the young lady just yet," he demanded changing topics.

He wanted to know the full picture before he said anything about their encounter to the officials. He didn't want to instigate the innocent. Especially the peculiar lady.

Who would have known that she would give him the location of her Aunt's brother. Most families would try to hide their close kin, not give him to a General to be tried and possibly killed for treason. She's truly something.

With that the General headed off with his third in command to the King. It's almost noon and he hadn't eaten a good meal for months. King Leif will surely provide him with a feast even if he didn't ask for one.

The General arrived at the King's castle in a day's time from non-stop horseback riding. The guards announced his arrival, opening the doors for the respected man.

In the dimly lit corridors of the ancient castle, the General walked with purpose. The air was heavy with the scent of burning torches and polished wood. Candles were lit, signaling to the nearing nighttime.

The young and respected general, moved with purpose, the clinking of his polished armor echoing through the stone halls. As he approached the grand entrance to the King's dining room, the anticipation of a reunion filled the air.

The massive double doors swung open, revealing a breathtaking scene that unfolded before him. The banquet hall, though devoid of the opulence of an era untouched by the burdens of war, emanated an understated grandeur. Tall, arched windows adorned with heavy drapes allowed scarce moonlight to filter into the room, casting a soft glow over the oak-paneled walls.

The long, intricately carved table was set with precious silverware and goblets, a stark contrast to the somber times they lived in. Candles flickered in ornate holders, casting dancing shadows across the polished surfaces. The fragrance of carefully prepared dishes wafted through the air, mingling with the subtle aroma of aged wood and the hint of burning embers in the hearth.

At the head of the table sat the middle-aged King, a figure of regal stature. Beside him, the Queen, a woman of grace and beauty, smiled warmly at the approaching general.

They had watched Burke grow from a vulnerable boy of eight into a formidable man. A bond stronger than blood forged through years of shared joys and sorrows.

The Queen and King adopted him when he was only 8 years old as their nephew. The King's dear friend, the past General Burke, was the father of the young general.

They were known as the strong pillars of the Kingdom. One being the most formidable general and the other the ruler.

The general paused for a moment, taking in the sight before him. The tapestries that adorned the walls depicted tales of battles won and kingdoms conquered, a reminder of the sacrifices made for the kingdom. The air in the hall was heavy with the weight of responsibility, yet a sense of victory permeated the space.

With a deep breath, Burke stepped forward, the clinking of his armor reverberating through the hall. The King and Queen rose to their feet, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that united them. As the doors closed behind him, the young general prepared to share in the warmth of the reunion and the feast laid out in his honor, a respite from the challenges of an era defined by war and sacrifice.

The General bowed to the King in great respect by kneeling on his left leg and resting his right arm on his right knee bowing his head. This is the traditional pose of knowledgement from the highest ranking General to his King. The King quickly went over to the young man he thought of as his own son and helped him up into a standing position.

"Idris, there's no need for such formalities! I requested for you to come to enjoy a feast in your honor with just the Queen and I. The Queen and I recognize your great contribution to the war this time so please don't be so formal tonight," King Leif said in a kind but demanding voice as if there was no room for argument.

Satisfied with this, Leif went to sit at the table but remembering something he turned around to remind the general in a delighted tone, "Now Idris, don't forget to take off your armor before you sit at the table. Remember, no armor or swords are allowed at the table."

Continuing, Leif said jokingly, "Your father always forgot about this rule too. It would be an understatement to say that you're just like him."

His eyes shone with happiness as he got a good look at his adopted nephew for the first time in a long time. The King has worried a great deal just like any parent for the years he has been away for battle.

Once the General changed into a more proper and comfortable piece of clothing, he was allowed to the table. Exhaustion was evident on the young general's face but the recent reunion with King Leif and the Queen gave him enough energy to stay awake.

General Burke and King Leif stayed up until well into the night with their merry drinking and storytelling of old memories and new one's from the recently won battle.

It was whispered throughout the halls from happy chatter that the two of them drank until the King had to be sent back to his chambers by his Queen. Who reprimanded him like a child. Whereas the general seemed perfectly fine as if the alcohol had no effect on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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