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Pov Samira

I was soooo  hungry ! I was stuck in traffic on the bus, the old lady next to me was judging me with her eyes because I was taking up a bit more space.

"Sorry I'm fat" I thought very loudly as I looked at her and smiled.

Yes, I was incapable of saying anything mean to people who didn't mind, but ever since I was a little girl, my weight had always been a target for criticism.

I was sure that somewhere they were jealous of me, my late grandmother used to say that it was because I had a big heart and beautiful qualities, and she used to tell me that no matter what people said, Allah had created us in the best of forms.

And even if people's remarks hurt me, I ignored them, besides why should I care, Esan, the one destined for me at my birth loved me as I was, even if he was cold, he never said anything about my looks.

"Ya rabb, you were the best of planners" I thought as I thanked him for linking me with Esan.

I thought of him lovingly, he was perfect for me, I was looking forward to today, he was home this evening, tomorrow is Eid.

I was looking out of the window, the islambab capital was beautifully decorated for this special occasion, such an incredible atmosphere. I loved doing Ramadan, feeling close to my creator, I'd even finished the quran in ten days, I was happy, it's the first time I've managed it, usually it took me 30 days and my Ammi would hit me to get me to finish it quicker.

His favourite phrase, "You can eat so fast but you can't read as fast", I used to laugh inside, but I got used to it.

"Samira, stop daydreaming, your break has come," Roshni, my classmate, suddenly shook me from behind.

"Ah yes, thank you, happy end of Ramadan, and good help" I said to her as I hurriedly got off the bus.

I could hear her shouting, and I laughed as I saw how many people were staring at us. I walked home for a while.

"Assalam Alaikkum, abu, ami, Didi" I said to them as we entered the living room.

My mother came up to me and tugged at my ear. I knew she wasn't going to be happy that I was coming home so late, but my law degree had gone into overdrive and on top of that Roshni was going to be alone on the bus and that didn't reassure me.

"Is this the time you're coming in? I've already told you not to go in alone in the dark and to call your sister," Ammi scolded me.

I looked at my sister, who was rolling her eyes; for some reason I didn't know, my big sister Sonia had never been able to stand me, and she made me understand at the slightest opportunity.

"Ammi, it wouldn't do her any harm to take the bus and walk around a bit, at least she'd lose a bit of weight," she said mockingly.

"Sonia! You could be nicer!" exclaimed my mother.

"What? I only told the truth, didn't I Samira? I know you don't care about your looks because you've already got someone to marry, but if you carry on like this, believe me, Esan will run away " she said.

I ignored her and went off to change. I got into the shower and ran the water over my body, soaping myself up.

I thought about Sonia's words, tears welling up in my eyes, why did everyone only see my body and not my heart, she's always been more beautiful than me, and people never fail to remind me of that, but what have I done to deserve so much gratuitous hatred?

I calmed myself by praying, talking to my creator, my emotions slowly coming into place, I couldn't let Sonia get to me, Esan wasn't going to run away, he loved me. I replaced my dupatta on my head, and opened my youth with my family. I loved his moments.

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