✨13✨ : Heartbreak

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Pov Samira

I looked at myself in the mirror adjusting my red saree, one of Esan's favorite colors, I had lightly applied make-up and waved my hair.

I slipped on my pumps of the same color, and wore a diamond necklace and diamond earrings to match my saree.

"Has Rizwan fallen asleep?" I asked as I watched my mother-in-law place him in his crib.

At the same time, my mother-in-law and Ameera, who were at their side, turned towards me and both stared at me strangely, I was starting to get scared, I was dressed strangely.

"Why are you both looking at me strangely, I'm dressed properly?" I asked nervously.

Ameera pounced on me "Bhabhiiiiiiii, you look just gorgeous in that saree, if Bhai doesn't drop your feet when he sees you, he's got serious vision problems !!!!!" She exclaims, placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Thank you, Ameera" I said sincerely, returning the kiss.

I felt my mother-in-law's hand on my cheek, she was looking at me affectionately " I knew my daughter-in-law was beautiful but not to that extent, what's he waiting for my little idiot son to make me lots of grandchildren" she said laughing making me blush.

"Mrs... Farooqi" I write, embarrassed.

"May Allah protect you and keep you happy" she said.

I inwardly thanked my creator for giving me such a beautiful, loving family, and the next thing I knew, the doorbell was ringing. "That must be Bhai, good luck Babhi", Ameera said mischievously.

I patted her on the head and told her to take good care of Rizwan. I went downstairs, and felt a surge of stress come over me. It was the first time I'd ever worn a saree, and what if Esan didn't like it? I opened the door in spite of everything and was astonished to find a young woman.

"Samira....?" she asked, stunned, looking me up and down.

I nodded, "Do I know you?" she asked uncomfortably.

"Yes, it's me, Nila" she said, offended that I didn't recognize her, she entered the house, and looked around, the more I repeated her name, the more I finally remembered her, she was one of the girls at school who used to pick on me, I remember her pestering me, but she was always glued to Esan and making fun of me from afar with her friends.
But the question was, why was she there? "You hit the jackpot, I thought you'd have a rotten life and be ugly, but in the end it's just the opposite, even if I hate to admit it" I heard her voice ring with disappointment.

She turned to me, "Look, I know you're wondering why I'm here, but I'll make it short, I've come to tell you the truth, I don't want you to be fooled like I was" she said seriously.

I couldn't tell if she was being sincere, but I liked having her here: "Tell me", I said quickly.
Esan would be here any minute and I didn't want her to spoil my date with him.

"Do you remember that I used to hang out with Esan a lot in high school?" she asked.

I nodded in the affirmative and she continued, "We were dating Samira, I was his girlfriend, he asked me to keep it a secret, and I couldn't understand why even after he asked me to marry him" she confessed.

I looked at him, my heart beating wildly, I didn't like the way things were turning out, did Esan propose? No, that's impossible, we were still engaged at the time, he'd never do that, it's not a fair thing to do.

"Believe it or not Samira, but later I found out why, he was engaged to you, when I found out, I broke up with him, he tried to stop me leaving but I slapped him" she continues.

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