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I put Rizwan gently in his cradle, I'd like to be a baby sometimes too, for him it had just been a day with a lot of noise whereas for the adults, what can I say? Problem after problem.

I sat down on the floor, my mother had brought Samira into my room, she seemed to be doing better but I knew that deep down she was very affected by the events.

"Aren't you going to join Babhi?" my little sister asked as she burst into my son's room.

I smiled, she'd never called Sonia Babhi before but it didn't even take her a whole day to call Samira that, so it's all about choosing the right person.

I nodded and she came to sit beside me, silent.

"Ameera, I don't know if I've made the right choice, I don't deserve Samira" I said nonchalantly.

She put a sympathetic hand on my shoulder.

"Bhai, tell me all about it" she said sympathetically.

I hesitated, I didn't want to ruin the good image she had of me, but finally said it, I needed some advice.

"Do you remember when I broke my alliance with Samira to marry Sonia because I loved her?

"Yeah... " she said, waiting for me to continue.

I lowered my head, about to say the things I'd done wrong. "I lied Ameera, I was obsessed with looks and disgusted by Samira's, I didn't want to marry her, I looked for every way to put an end to my alliance with her.. " I said shamefully.

"And then you made up the lie that you loved Sonia? Because you were so focused on Samira's looks ? She questioned me, not believing it, I could feel the anger in her voice.

I shook my head, "I know, I was an asshole, and I ended up trapped in my own game, I thought I was going to be happy with Sonia because she was beautiful but in the end every day was hell, we fought constantly, she even refused to take care of Rizwan".

"You deserved it somehow, Bhai, Samira loved you so much since she was a little girl, she considered you as her prince charming, and you didn't give any importance to her feelings, you were simply selfish, did you at least try one day to look beyond her looks and understand who she was really ? "

I shook my head again shamefully, if I had really looked at her just once, I would have understood, I would have had a happy life with her, but I was led by my selfishness down a path away from her full of judgement, which was ironic in the story, the woman I had chosen, refused to love my son and me but the one I hurt, gave her all the love in the world, Ya rabb, you want to show me my mistake, don't you?

"So why did you marry her today? You're trying to use her to only be Rizwan's mother even though I understand I don't support you, she's still a woman, she needs love too" my sister angrily tells me.

"ʾAstaḡfirullāh, of course not, I didn't intend to use her to be the mother of my son, she deserves better, I know that, when she came back, I was surprised and grateful for the love she gave Rizwan, I also liked spending time with her, I considered her a close friend but by force, I'd realised what an incredible woman she was, funny, adorable, intelligent, without even realising it, I'd woken up wanting to see her every day, I'd fallen in love with her so quickly, that's why I'm lost, I've done so many bad things to her, do I have the right to want to take a chance?  "I asked, feeling a pang of guilt fill me.

My sister fell silent at my revelation, she thought for a moment, looking at me sternly.

"Listen Bhai, I'm really disappointed with your actions towards Babhi, you stupidly destroyed her life and yours, but what's done is done, right now she's your wife, and you her husband, if that's allowed, today what Allah decreed would be this, thank Him and correct your past mistakes, show Babhi that you love her, make her feel special" she said sincerely.

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