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Pov Samira

I held my hands over my tear-streaked face, trying to calm myself down. I'd woken up not long ago in one of the hospital rooms, totally distraught.

The nurse beside me explained that I'd collapsed as a result of emotional shock, my body unable to process the traumatic events.

I just asked her where Esan was, because that's what mattered most to me.

"Your husband is currently undergoing a very serious operation, the bullet has hit the artery in his heart" she told me before leading me into the operating theatre "

I'd been sitting outside for around two hours, anxious, praying to the Almighty that I wouldn't be able to be serene unless Esan's hand was in mine.

I let a sob escape me as I thought about how things had turned out, just this morning, I was snuggled up in his arms, he was teasing me with his romantic mood, and now he was fighting to stay alive.

I was a pain in the arse, if... If... I hadn't married him, Harshad wouldn't have decided to take his revenge on him, he wouldn't be in this state.

"Don't say that Miss, Esan will be fine" breathed my conscience trying to keep my hope alive.

"Samira Bhabhi ! " shouted a voice from a distance.

I turned and saw my family and Esan's family all arriving with worried expressions. Ameera was the first to come towards me.

"I'm so... I'm sorry about... It's all... It's my fault..." I said in a broken voice.

She took me in her arms, "What kind of nonsense are you talking ?" she said in a grumpy tone as she took me in her arms.

Without being able to control myself, I told her and the rest of the family who were listening attentively, it was difficult because I had to explain all the details and cry at the same time.

Once we'd finished, everyone fell silent, but the first to react was Esan's mother, who came up to me and put a motherly hand on my head, encouraging me to look up at her.

Why was she being so nice to me, I was responsible for her son's critical condition.

"Samira, darling, none of this is your fault, this Harshad is just evil and he'll get the punishment for his actions later, don't hurt your heart by thinking that all these incidents are necessarily due to you, breathe, we have to stay strong for Esan, especially you, do you think he'd like to see you crying because of him? "she asked me softly

"I'm just scared, I just want to see him safe and sound," I replied.

She took me against her, "Samira, trust Allah, everything will be fine" I heard her whisper.

I nodded softly, finally calming down with her comforting words, and my mother sat down next to me, forcing me to eat.

I nodded gently, finally calming down with her comforting words, and my mother sat down next to me, forcing me to eat.
We all sat there for another two hours, the longest hours of my life, until the surgeon who was operating on Esan came out of the operating theatre and motioned for us to come closer together.

"Listen, we've managed, despite the difficulties, to get the bullet out of his artery and control the haemorrhage, but the patient's condition is still critical, his vital signals are really weak" he announced seriously.

I didn't know whether to be relieved or more upset than I was. "Can we see my Bhai ?" asked Ameera, the doctor.

"I'm sorry but for the moment no, he's in a coma, we're going to transfer him soon to one of the intensive care rooms, then we'll monitor his condition and decide what to do, but I can't tell you when he'll regain consciousness," he said in the same tone.

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