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Pov Samira

Two months have passed since I was attacked, I was still affected by the event but I was getting over it day by day.

What saddened me, however, was that Esan had since shunned me like the plague, even though I was with Rizwan. I couldn't understand his sudden change of attitude; he was as cold as before, even though I thought we were friends.
"It's better this way, forget him," my conscience told me.

If I'd been able to, I'd have done it already, but it's true that my conscience wasn't wrong, maybe it's a sign from the almighty.

"Samira, are you ready? "Ammi asked me.

I shook my head as I left my room, today they'd come to see me about a marriage proposal, I wasn't ready but my parents were so happy that I ended up accepting.

I went into the living room to meet the guests.

"Assalam Alaikkum", I said, greeting them politely.

I sat down next to my mother, I looked at my sweaty hands, I was stressed, I felt the gaze of Harshad, the man who was ready to marry me, I felt his body scan me from head to toe, and I was uncomfortable, I don't know why his look didn't seem right.

"MashaAllah, you're very beautiful!" exclaimed my mother-in-law.

They talked for a long time and finally the wedding was fixed. We were walking them to the front door when Esan burst in with Rizwan.

He was about to speak and was looking at us one by one, so I went to take Rizwan in my arms, I'd missed him.

"Are you all right, my angel?" I asked him happily.

Rizwan replied in his usual way. I looked at Harshad, he was glaring at me for some reason and Esan must have sensed it, he stood in front of me to hide me.

"Esan, meet Samira's family-in-law," my mother announced enthusiastically.

"In-laws...?" asked Esan as if shocked.
He turned to me as if expecting answers from me, and I couldn't help but look at the ground, why he was looking as if I'd betrayed him, it hurt. My in-laws finally left.

I was left alone with Esan and Rizwan.

"I was so stressed, I thought I was going to do something stupid," I said jokingly.

But Esan ignored me coldly, and took his son from my hands, he looked at me darkly, ready to leave, I held him by the arm and he sighed with boredom.

"Esan, have I done something wrong? Why are you acting like I'm bothering you?" I asked him, pained.

"I have, Samira, I've thought about it and it's not a good thing if you're so close to me, I'm a widow and my son has no mother, people could misinterpret our closeness, even more so now that you're about to get married" he said without emotion.

"But... Esan, you know what I'm like? And I know what you're like, we know there's nothing unhealthy between us" I said, placing a hand on his arm.

But he pushed me away violently, making me fall backwards, I looked at him shocked.

"Listen Samira, the world don't knows us, I don't want anyone to make a reputation of us, and even less for my son to grow up with the idea that his aunt and father are having an affair, I don't want that" he said categorically.

He left me speechless, he'd just broken my already bruised heart, he thought I was going to give him a bad reputation, I wasn't a man-eater, fine, I was going to stay away from them.

"You knew sooner or later you'd have to face reality," my inner voice reminded me.

I tried to wipe away my tears, I faced up to them, but why did the slightest thing I did turn against me?

It was the day before my wedding and my heart was heavy. I was trapped in this ordeal.

Flashback begins

"Ammi, Abu, I don't want to marry Harshad, he tried to touch me without permission".

I had just confessed to them, in shock they looked at me, my mother approached me.

"Samira, don't say that, it wasn't a bad thing, he must have done it because you're going to be his wife".

I was hurt, she was taking Harshad's part rather than me her own daughter.

"No Ammi, even the first time he looked at me strangely, I try to tell myself it was my imagination it was nothing but when he tried to touch me that was one time too many, Abu you at least listen to me"

"Samira, please, we can't stop this marriage now, who are you going to marry next, your size isn't good for us, I promise you after the wedding everything will be fine".

I looked at my parents, I felt betrayed, they cared about their reputation more than my dignity, as always my weight was the reason, I stepped back and ran to my room, crying alone to my creator about my fate.

End flashback

Since my last conversation, I'd been locked up in my room, my parents only dropping by to give me something to eat. I couldn't understand why they were so keen for me to eat after all, I was so fat, they were so like Sonia in that aspect.

"Samira, please eat your dinner, you can't keep sulking about us, we're your parents" she said slowly

I looked down at the untouched dinner tray at my feet, I wasn't washing anything, I didn't have the heart or the head, soon I'd be in the hands of that Harshad.

"We've lost your didi, do you want to abandon us too? Samira, your father and I are getting on in years, soon we won't be here any more, we just want to leave with a clear head, knowing that you're in good hands" she said, crying.

I couldn't help being touched, even though it was cowardly, my heart couldn't bear to see her cry because of me. My heart was already broken, so it didn't matter if my body was too, did it? I placed a broken smile on my lips.

"Don't worry, Ammi, I'm going to marry this Harshad if that's what you want," I said softly.

A big smile appeared on her lips and she kissed my forehead, starting to feed me. It was probably the last quiet moment I was going to have, I had a feeling that after my wedding, everything would go wrong.

"Sleep well", she said as she closed the door to my room.

I lay down on my bed, feeling sleepy, so I picked up the Quran and started to read it to give me courage.

My memories wandered to Rizwan, I missed him, Esan had prevented me from seeing him since.

He'll be here with him tomorrow, so at least I'll be able to see him one last time, my little angel. 

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