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Trevor lets out a low whistle as I rush into the kitchen. It's officially wedding weekend despite being a Thursday and I have a bridesmaid get-together to attend. My dress is a bit shorter than I remember it being when I bought it but I'm running late and it's not entirely scandalous. I mean, how scandalous can a sundress really get?

Quinn rolls his eyes, closing the fridge to turn around and scold Z, "Keep it in your pants, Zegras."

"God," Luke says. "Maybe Kennedy should put some on."

I walk behind the two younger boys in the stools at the island so that I can make sure to give Luke some solid pats on the back. "I'm telling El."

"No, you're not," he says.

"I can't find my..." I trail off to try and remember when I last had the specific lipgloss I need. Was it— I gasp sharply and barely get to the doorway before yelling toward the stairs. "Jack! Unlock the car!"

Luke winces, a hand pressed to his ear. "Short dress, loud yell. You know, there's a job out there—"

"Shut up," I snap. But I do try and tug it down a bit without too much spillage on the top end.

"It's not that short," Quinn assures.

"It's a little short," Trevor unassures. Is that a word?

"Jack!" I yell again.

The guys chuckle since there's still not even a sign of life. Fuck it, I'm going up there. This lipgloss is non-negotiable. I tug my dress down before knocking. No answer still.

I knock even harder. "Im coming in!"

His room is empty. No sign of Jack. I check out the window. Car is there. He has to be here. I can't be thinking about Jack and how I look good in this dress and want him to see that. I need those stupid keys so I can get into his car.

They aren't on the nightstand or in the nightstand. Not on top of the dresser. Where could they be? I'm begging God they aren't on the boy who is currently nowhere to be seen. That would fucking blow.

"Prez," Jack says. He walks right in, setting a laundry basket of clothes onto his bed.

"I need your car keys."

He laughs and looks at me. And stops laughing. Like instantly. His eyes widen slightly and then he blinks a few times. Like he can't believe what he's seeing.

"I'm late to the bridesmaid thing today already and I'm ninety-nine percent sure I left the lip gloss I need in your car," I explain.

Jack does the whole routine again. Eyes go wide and blink a few times. This time, he frowns at the end. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Bridesmaid lunch thing," I say slowly. "I'm late. Lip gloss is in your car. Keys, please?"

"Right." He pats his pockets without his eyes leaving me. Once out of his pocket, he holds his keys out. As I go to take them from him, he grabs my wrist with his other hand. "I love you—your dress. You look—"

"Scandalous?" I ask, getting impatient.

His eyes drift down and back up. "Perfect."

I huff out a short, shocked laugh. Jack complimenting my looks is something that never gets easier. I'm sure he's being hyperbolic about that perfect status though. I don't care. I'm soaring and my heart is trying to escape my chest and it only gets worse when his grip on my wrist tightens slightly. It may be delusions from the increased heart rate or something but I swear he sways or leans forward.

"Thanks," I say. "But I'm seriously already late."

"Where are you going?"

I grab the keys despite his hold on me, my fingertips brushing against his palm. "Bridesmaid lunch thing, c'mon. Keep up."

the first one • j. hughesWhere stories live. Discover now