Chapter 29 | The End or The Start

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"but it's ok...we can't demand ourselves to love someone... don't be too hard on yourself... you'll always find someone else who's alwways hard for you" she playfully says making me laugh before standing up getting something she cooked  out of the oven.

I followed her wanting to get things straight and talk about what i feel "y/n? What makes a person fall in love with another person? Like how can you tell if you love them? I can't believe I'm asking this to someone a lot younger than me" I laugh awkwardly

"I just told you a while ago" she chuckled

"When you wanna kiss them all the time? "

" When they feel like home " she smiled

" And what does home means to you? "

" Home isn't a house... it's a feeling. Home is supposed to make you feel safe.. happy.. peaceful.."

"What do you mean by it's not a house? " I asked getting some plates helping her set the table

"not everyone was born in a home.. some are born in houses.. and those houses are on fire...when you're being Burned..that doesn't feel safe, happy and peaceful right? And doesn't mean you were born in a burning House, the whole world is burning... it's not. " She mumbled

this whole conversation is actually making me realize a lot of things that i didn't know I'd hear from someone who lived less life than me.

"Don't be confused tho.. you'll never find  home on another person..yourself will always be your home..and yknow sometimes you don't feel that..then there's that someone who's gonna make you feel like they're your home but the Truth is they're unconsciously making you feel comfortable on letting that inner voice go and realized you're home... All this time" she added

"so home is you and that person..just makes you realize that" i mumbled

"hm hmm... are you home? " she asked looking directly at my eyes

"Yes... someone..just made me realize it.. just like what you said" i smiled at her

"I'm glad... don't lose that someone.. they're hard to find...took me 21 years to find you" she shrugged going back at the fridge getting some fruits out

"Yknow what?" I huffed sitting at the counter watching her make smoothies


"I have been seeking for that person to come since i was a teenager..just to realize now that she wasn't even born yet then" i smiled to myself giving her some hints

"So you're basically saying you're old?" She playfully says making me frown my brows hitting her bicep lightly

"I mean I'm 41" i pouted

"Middle age milf..." She sigh underneath her breath making me laugh

"Come to realize tho.. when you were 26 i was you basically dated a 6 years old when you were 26" she smirked wickedly getting in my head

" That doesn't make any sense, stop thatt" i complained getting some glasses

" Let's make it worse.. when you were 36 you basically dated a 16 years old"

" I will choke you with strawberries, i swear" i warned still laughing while she pours the smoothie

"So our age gap is 20 years?" I gasp literally just realizing it now

"I see...will i get bad at math too when i became old?" She teased again


"you're not... I don't care even if you're 40 years older than me, I'd still call you baby" she casually says shrugging

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