Chapter 39 | Meet the dad

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Scarlett pov

I just drove rose to his dad.. he's currently also here for a vacay and y/n didn't wanna take rose with us coz she thinks we're gonna be ambushed ones we land and yknow.. it's for rose's own safety

I packed my own bags since she said we're gonna stay there for a while because she wants to be there for a few days basically

We're currently at the living room checking if we got everything we need packed "your medicines?" I asked "here already" she nods

"House keys?"



"Right there" she pointed at him in the crate

" Ok i think we're all set now.. let's go? Do you wanna drive? " I softly asked earning another nod

You would think it's not the best idea to let her drive..but i also don't like seeing her getting sad just because she can't do the things she loves doing before..i mean I'm here.. right beside her so if something happened, I'd be right here to help

We hopped on one of her cars right after getting everything all set up. She drives perfectly focus on the road but she suddenly stopped the car

"You ok?"

"The road is... Switching... can you drive?" She asked honestly looking scared

" Of course..." I gave her a smile changing seats while she just took a nap and i drive carefully not wanting to wake her up

After a few more more more minutes we finally arrived and i woke her up.. as soon as we stepped out of the car a huge clash of paparazzi just ambushed us.. I'm glad i listen to not take rose with us


I ended up suddenly being pulled by one of them but y/n quickly grabbed me before i even stumble on the ground "don't touch her...fuck off" she firmly says to the one who harshly pulled me

She held my hand as we went through all the crowds and finally arrived at her private jet  immediately being served by.. champagne???

"Oh.. uhm...thank you but I'm good" i awkwardly says

I mean.. i genuinely don't think it's a good idea to drink

"it's just apple juice.. i love apple juice" y/n suddenly says hiding her laugh

Yeah i eventually took it..and refilled my glass like 6 times.. it's a good apple juice..

We went to the room obviously and just both lay down exhausted from all those paparazzi.. y/n stood up tho grabbing my hand gently

" Does it hurt? " She mumbled

"hmm.. no.. why? "

" The guy pulled your arm earlier.. i'm really sorry about that" she Sighs looking so guilty on something she didn't even do

" Do you need like the arm support thingy? Are you sure you're ok? " She asks again while I'm just staring at her.. looking worried

" I told you.. I'm ok.. lay down, go get some rest."

She did fall right back asleep..i know it's creepy but i love watching her sleep.. it's giving me a sight of peace..i just moved closer cuddling her as she also wrapped me around her arms intertwining our legs together

"Can i.." she suddenly mumbled

"Can you what?"

Her hand suddenly moved like she's holding something round.. "oh--" i burst out laughing hiding my face on her neck

"Permission" she chuckled making me even more red now

"Ok.. uhm.. permission granted" i smiled looking up to face her.. I'm just staring at her biting my lips trying to stop from smiling...she eventually just put her hand inside my shirt and went right back to sleep with a mischievous smile making me giggle

I heard a knock and it was just the flight attendant notifying us that we're 15 minutes away from landing.. y/n also woke up but she still looks like she's getting her soul back

Her hand is literally still on me "so you're not gonna remove your hand?" I playfully asked

"Gotta make the best out of my permission card" she pouted

"You know what?"


"My uhm love language? I believe that's what y'all call of them is physical can touch me anytime anywhere" i whispered watching her become a ripe tomato

" Is it my birthday??"she asks

"But hold on.."

"Hmm?" I hummed

"I can't just do that... what are we?" She asks even if she's obviously doing it right now

"Do you wanna date Scarlett Johansson?"

"I don't touch If it's only dating"

"Friends with benefits?"

"Deal" she chuckled cutely

" You're like a sexual gentleman" i covered her face laughing at her


As we got off the plane it was a huge relief that there are no paparazzi and it's just a car waiting for us.

Y/n decided we go right straight to her dad and the driver will just drop our things to her house here

My excitement dropped as we stopped at a cemetery....y/n got off the car first and opened the door for me

"Is he?" I hesitantly asked holding her hand while she leads the way

"Yeah..are you scared? You can go to the house"

"No.. of course not.. just a little shocked.."

We went to this big house looking museum...she lit up some candles and made us both sit down

"I'm sorry.." i held her hand

"Hmm? It's fine...besides if he's alive we would be kicked out of his house in less than a minute... he's not really into gy stuff" she forced a chuckle joking her way of coping with it

"did he knew you were into girls?" I asked honestly just curious

"no.. i didn't come out to him..i have a gay brother..i grew up watching him get beat up for being who he is.. i was scared.."

"damn... So he didn't know he had an equally handsome and beautiful daughter when dress as gay as she is  then?" I huffed earning her laugh

One thing i noticed tho was she has the same birthday as her dad...which speaks to me that she must be the closest to him since she's also the youngest..

"did you had a great relationship with him? "

" As a kid.. yeah.. but yknow.. growing up .. not really...i was teased everytime i show a little bit of emotion.. i didn't grew up in an affectionate environment...yknow when he's on the hospital bed... I didn't even said anything to him.. and 2 days before he passed away i threw attitude on him.." she swallowed thickly her hands shaking as she talks

"i see that a lot in you..what you need to understand is you're free don't need to hide what you feel.. it's ok to show affection.. it doesn't make you less stronger than you already are"

"hm hmm...i love you.." she smiled

"i love you" i responded smiling even wider holding her hand as i rested my head on her shoulder..

We had conversations on how our childhoods were like.. she said she doesn't remember most of hers..but it was still a great time to know each other even deeper..

"do you think your dad will hunt me after this? " I mumbled hearing her laugh

"if you hurt me.. that's a given"

"so he will never hunt me then? " I asked earning a satisfied look from her

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