Chapter 54 | Here We Go

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Scarlett pov

It's been at least 3 months since i last saw y/n.. I didn't call her. I figured she deserves to be happy even if i wasn't the source of it. It was rough at first, adjusting to the changes like not having her around..i know I've only vee with her for a few months but i guess they were right about how can a month old relationship hurt more than a decade old one.

Sometimes I'll catch myself smiling thinking about how she has this humor that you would definitely kill her if you don't love her as much as i do. It's a bitter sweet feeling.. bitter because you've been hurt.. sweet because that's how you know you've loved and been loved.. genuinely

After y/n I never had the urge to be in a relationship again or even entertain..maybe because i finally experienced a real one after so many hardships.. and it was worth the pain.

If you'd tell me id be this hurt if I'll continued loving her.. i wouldn't even care, i would fo it over and over.. again...

I'm currently just outside sitting on my porch checking some files for our new products that we will launch in a few weeks when Rose and cosmo just ran towards me giving me pieces of paper

"What are these?" I chuckled

"Open..m-mommy" cosmo excitedly says as rose was clearly hiding something from her back.

I opened the papers and turns out it was a letter. "Hello, mommy... This is rose and cosmo" i read it outloud

"Cosmo!!" He cheered pointing at himself

"We know" rose giggled

"Thankyou for being the best mommy...and.. daddy.. to us...r-rose and cosmo.. handsome.. cosmo loves you so much" i chuckled still reading even if i know I'd Burst out crying out loud if i continued reading it

"We see you, mommy.. we see your efforts and we thankyou for that.. thankyou for being the best mommy on the whole wide multiverse..awww.. my babies" i pouted to myself being so touched by this

"Thankyou for being our mommy" rose suddenly says giving me this cake which i assume is they personally did because it's a bunch of oreos stacked like a cake with messy whip cream all over it

"No.. thankyou for being my babies" i smiled widely pulling them both in a hug while cosmo was just trying to reach the oreos

"I thought you love mommy? Mommy or Oreos?" I playfully asked tickling him

"Mommy don't make him choose, you'll get hurt" rose suddenly says sarcastically making me tilt my head pouting both of them laughing

We started eating the oreos as they both sat down with me that i completely forgot about my work and just listened to rose's gossip about her school and that she's been very close to Agnes which I'm honestly so happy about. We adults had issues but kids are kids and they're out of our problems.

I love having these moments with my kids.. but somehow the feeling was so alike when I'm with y/n..and I can't help but to think about her.

I have 2 explanations for it. It feels the same because it's love.. just in different kinds.. OR...its her mommy issues

"Mommy? Why are you smiling?" Rose suddenly asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Me? Im not smiling" i shaked my head but she still kept on teasing me

"is it--"

" NO ONEEE, STOPPP" i complained feeling myself blushing already

"Red" cosmo suddenly poked my cheeks making rose laugh

"Ok that's enough you guys...hmm.. wanna go for some hot chocolate and cakes? I know a cafe" i asked as they both cheered happily jumping around


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