Wake Up

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    The two girls were out in their playpen for some exercise. While keeping an eye on them Kaminari is also checking Bakugou. His fever broke last night, but he has yet to wake. It's already been a few days since bringing the small family here. He's tried his best to get some nutrients in his friend without him choking, but he hasn't been too successful. He was becoming worried on whether or not calling an actual doctor would be best. He had managed to get the littlest girl back to good health, but Bakugou was proving to be much more difficult since he had starved himself to keep them fed.

    A squeal drew Kaminari's attention to the girls. The biggest one had discovered that if she hits one of their toys there's a spin. Seeing her joy from this discovery brought a smile to his face. However, he didn't know that her father had a change.

    A cough drew his attention to that. Bakugou's eyes were mostly open. He tries to sit up but Kaminari was quick to hold onto him.

    "Easy. You've been out for a few days." Kaminari says.

    "What the fuck are you doing here?" Bakugou somehow manages to get out before coughing again.

    "Like I was going to stay put when I could tell something was wrong. I followed Aizawa when he went to pick you up. I've been taking care of you and the little ones. The littlest was sick as well but nursed her back to health."

    "Nixie." Bakugou says.


    "Her name is Nixie, not littlest." Kaminari's eyes widen. Bakugou was really going to just hand him the names. A smile takes over again. "No need to look so happy. If we're stuck with you until we get better I don't want you convincing her that her name is littlest. Her sister's name is Vera."

     "Is that so? Vera and Nixie. Pretty names for the pretty little ladies." Kaminari says, watching the two crawl around their pen with their toys.

    "Fuck, my head is killing me. It feels like all the pressure in the world is converging in it." Bakugou complains.

   "Yeah, yeah. Gimme a moment." Kaminari says. He stands up and heads to the kitchen. When he returns he has a bottle of water and a couple pills. "Here you go. This should clear you up. I'll also let Aizawa know you're awake."

    Kaminari helps him sit completely up so he can take his medicine. The two girls squeal in excitement when they notice their father is up again. His eyes soften and he waves to his duaghters. He takes his medicine then leans back into his seat.

    "I'm only going to say this once, so listen." Bakugou says, gaining Kaminari's attention. "Thank you for taking care of us while I was down."

    "It's no problem, really." Kaminari quickly says. "I know you would have done the same if it were me, so you don't need to thank me. They were well behaved, and you were unconscious, so it's not like it was too difficult."

    "Still, it means a lot to me to know you took care of the girls without question. You don't even know why I have them." Bakugou says.

    "Well I'm assuming you loved their mom and that's why they're here." Kaminari says. "Besides, I don't need to know why they are here. You clearly care about them and that's all I need to know to take care of them. Your private life isn't my business or anyone else's, but if you need help I'll be here. And you don't need to worry about me blabbing. The only way anyone else will find out about Vera and Nixie is by you."

    "That's a relief. I'm not exactly happy that you even know, but so long as no one else does it should be fine." Bakugou says. He's not even looking at Kaminari. He's looking at his girls, which is understandable.

    Kaminari knows how much Bakugou wants to hold them, but until he builds up more strength, and the cough is gone, he will have to settle for watching them. Bakugou knows this too. He knows that right now it would be dangerous to handle his girls. Even before them he hated being sick, but now it was just torture.

    "Vera is beginning to grasp sounds pretty well, so it shouldn't be long until she says her first word." Kaminari informs Bakugou. His smile turns from a sad one to an excited one. "Nixie she's grown pretty attached to a stuffed bat that Aizawa gave her."

    "That's not surprising. She had a toy bird before that she enjoyed. Anything with wings will do I guess." Bakugou says. "So when is Aizawa going to be back? I should probably talk with him."

    "It's a patrol night so he won't be back until tomorrow. That is if he doesn't just ditch his patrol to co-"

    Before he could finish the door swings open and Aizawa comes through. Nixie squeals in excitement and holds her arms up to signal she wants held by the older man. Aizawa, absentmindedly, picks her up as he begins asking Bakugou how he feels and all that.

    "I feel like... Eh." He second guesses what he was going to say.

    "Understandable. I don't know what it is you had, but I am glad you're awake now." The teacher says.

    Aizawa moves over to a chair to sit dawn. He ignores the pain that comes from Nixie playing with his tangled hair. He positions her in a more comfortable way and then turns back to Bakugou.

    "I know you did just wake up, but we must discuss your next steps." Aizawa says.

    Bakugou nods. He knows this conversation is needed. He knew it long before he called Aizawa for help. There's no way to continue how he is now. Decisions need made. Decisions that are absolutely terrifying to think about. Now, even though he isn't ready, is the time he has to face them

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