Class A Tries It

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    Actually attending class on top of taking care of the kids was exhausting. So exhausting that once the weekend came he went ahead and let his class watch them while he slept most of the day away. No one blamed him either. They were getting tired just by watching him do all of this with accepting little to no help. They were just impressed he gave in instead of fighting when Sero told him to go to bed and let them take care of Vera and Nixie.

    This is the first time the class has been around them without Bakugou watching them like hawk. They knew that one wrong move would earn them a lifetime of pain, and likely lose them a chance at a hero career. So they made sure to take extra good care of them, which was easy enough in theory. They've watched Bakugou enough times to know exactly what to do. When it came time to do the tasks they've watched him do, the anxiety consumed them.

    "Kaminari!" They often called. They were recieving no help from him.

    "Nope. All of you volunteered to help, so you have to learn to do it yourselves. Count this as special training." He says.

    A few of them have younger siblings, but they were either to close in age range to have learned these skills, or have never actually helped take care of these duties. Then there were the ones who were the younger sibling. And of course the only child.

    "I'm convinced that Bakugou is superhuman." Sato says quietly after they finally got them down for their nap.

    "How did Kaachan survive this long?" Midoriya adds.

    "I have never watched anything more entertaining in my life." Kaminari says with a laugh.

    Everyone looks half dead right now and it was only six hours with the twins. This was even without having to keep up with lessons. They definitely have more respect for Bakugou now.

    By the time Bakugou stumbled down the stairs, after nine hours of undisturbed sleep, everyone except for Kaminari was passed out. The electric blond was entertaining the girls quietly.

    "So much for watching them." Bakugou grumbles. "What happened?"

    "I believe they were so focused on not screwing up that the basics of taking care of a human just left their minds. Iida got stumped by a diaper." Kaminari says. "They gave it their best shot, but they clocked out a few hours before you got up. Their nap time was when Vera and Nixie took theirs."

    "And these brats, when did they wake up?" Bakugou asks.

    "Ten, twenty minutes ago. Did you sleep well is the real question." Bakugou nods and sits down beside Kaminari. The girls immediately crawl over to him for his attention. Kaminari reaches over and rubs his friend's head. "I'm glad you got some sleep."

    "Me too. It's been a while since I've slept that long." Bakugou says as he leans against Kaminari's hand. Nixie sees this action and starts hitting him on the chest to get him to stop. "Hey. What's the big idea?" He asks her.

    "I think she is jealous." Kaminari says with a laugh.

    "She can't even talk, and yet she's getting jealous over what? A head pat?" Bakugou asks, gently placing his hand on her head. She accepts it with a happy squeal. He smiles at her and makes a quick mental note of this newfound interest of hers.

    "I guess she saw that you liked it and decided she did too." Kaminari says.

    "I was beginning to think that she was starting to like you more than me with the way she was acting these past few days. Now I know better. She always finds the best time to prove these things." Bakugou whispers, leaning against Kaminari himself now. "Of course she was always a mommy's girl. I shouldn't be surprised that there are times she pulls away from me."

    "And what about Vera? I'm pretty sure she is a daddy's girl with how much she screams when you try to put her down." Kaminari says.

    "Yeah. Probably has something to do with how I was always there when she woke up in the middle of the night. I wanted their mom to sleep as much as possible after a day of dealing with them you know."

    As the two continued to talk quietly some of the students were waking up. They were amazed at how Bakugou was acting. Sure, they've already seen him smile at the girls, but this was different. This was a sad sort of smile as he spoke about the one topic everyone was hesitant to bring up. His ex-girlfriend. 

     "Hanataro was always trying to put me first. As much as I love being put first, it always worried me when she did it. Especially once they were born and she wanted to take on all the caretaking for herself. I can't preform as well at school if I'm tired was her excuse. It took a lot of fighting just to convince her to let me take them when they woke up in the middle of the night." He explains, his hold on them tightening a bit.

    "Why did it worry you that she put you first?" Kaminari asks.

    "Because it was always me. She never put herself first. I could tell that it was a result of how she was raised, to always put others before herself. I was raised the complete opposite. I was the most important and needed to act like it. It wasn't until I met her that I started to realize that how I was thinking was wrong." He says with a frown. "We both were trying to change so these little ones wouldn't learn our bad habits. We couldn't change fast enough. Her thinking of how she wasn't that important got her killed."

    "I don't necessarily think that was what killed her." Kaminari says.

    "No. It is. One of the guests saw me one day and sat to talk with me. She told me that after handing off Nixie and Vera she had argued with someone who was trying to keep her from going in. The person tried saying the kids need her to do everything she can to stay alive, but she said that they have me. They then said that she was important to me, but she told them I could find someone better. I always told her that she was more important than anything to me, but in the end it wasn't enough. She honestly thought she meant next to nothing and ran into that fire to save the grandparents." He says. Vera could tell her dad was getting sad again and offered him her fistful of baby cereal. "I'll be fine Sweetie. You eat that."

     The classmates who were awake all look at each other. How could they seriously not see all of this pain that he was going through? Were they really that bad at being friends? Or was he just that good at masking his emotions? Either way, they now knew that he was hurting a lot more than they originally thought.

    "Bakugou, you know better than most how hard it us to get rid of that pesky voice in your head the tears you down. Most of her life the voice was getting confirmation from the outside as well. She also was probably dealing with a lot more that she didn't want to pressure you with. It's very common for new mothers to deal with depression you know. So you can't blame yourself for this. I know, based on what that one person said, that she wanted you and the girls to live the best life you can. She truly believed that if anything, you guys could make it and be happy." Kaminari says, rubbing his hand up and down Bakugou's arm as he speaks to comfort him. "I'm not saying that you have to get over it immediately. In fact, I know you will never really get over her. She gave you the best parts of herself, and left you with the best gift she could. Still, you can't let this drag you down and expect to live the life she wanted you to have."

    "Why do you have to say things that make sense? You're supposed to be and idiot." Bakugou grumbles. Kaminari laughs as Bakugou continuously hits him on the arm for his words. The kids laugh too. Their father was acting funny and they love it. "Fine. I'll try not to focus on the past." He eventually says.

    "Good. Now, I'm pretty sure it's getting close to their dinner time, so I'll fix up their meal."

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