Moving In

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    Hearing about Vera and Nixie was one thing, but seeing them made this all too real. The one thing none of them had expected to experience in their time teaching was this exact thing. Teen parents.

     Before he makes his epic and shocking return to the classroom, the teachers wanted to meet the babies. They were also discussing his moving into the dorms. There were a couple issues with it, main concern regarding the sanity of his classmates when they cry in the middle of the night. However, by the end of this little meeting they decided he would be able to move back into the dorms.


    Class A is excited to see Kaminari again. It's been so long since their clown has been in the classroom. That wasn't the only surprise of the day though. While everyone else is in class, Bakugou is moving his stuff into the dorms. Second floor on the girls side was his. They figured that would be best since no one else is on that floor, on that side anyway.

    He has assistance from Aizawa while setting everything up. It was All Might's evening with the students so he wouldn't have to worry about Aizawa just needing to run after lunch.

    "Do you want me to stay while you explain to everyone, or do you think Kaminari will be enough support?" Aizawa asks as the time approaches.

    Everything has been set up now. Their playroom/bedroom, and Bakugou's all look great. A playpen is even set up in the common area for when Bakugou decides he wants to be with his classmates. Aizawa also set up a few bags for classes.

    "I think you should get the classroom set up. We will be joining as soon as they have settled into the environment." Bakugou says. Aizawa nods and leaves. The classroom should be empty since All Might prefers lessons outside.

    Bakugou sighs once he's gone. Vera is up and crawling around while Nixie just lays there and stares at the wall. This isn't what she is used to. Daddy and Zawa may have been here, but this isn't home.

    "I know this isn't what you're used to, but I promise that Daddy is doing his best." He says to his girls. Vera looks up at him and reaches her arms out. Woth a small smile, he picks her up. "I promise that we will get through this, my little angels."


  A playpen that none of them had seen before is set up in the common area. Questions form in their mind. Is this a test of some sort? Who placed this here? What is the purpose of this playpen? Do they disassemble it? What do they do?

    Kaminari watches them to see how they react. Of course he is the only one who knows why it is here. They don't know that though. The confusion was great. Eventually they decide to just leave it alone. The answer is sure to come.

    The answer did come. It came in the form of laughter. A baby's laughter, and the thudding of feet coming down the stairs. They hear the familiar voice of their classmate, Bakugou, and their eyes widen before he even makes it down.

    "Bakugou moved in? When?" Kirishima asks.

    "Today." Kaminari answers right before he hits the landing.

     Bakugou immediately turns to head towards the kitchen/dining area. No one could miss the babies in his arms. Especially the one that is dangerously close to wiggling it's way out.

    "And don't worry. I'm not going to leave you two out. I know it's about time for you to start screaming your lungs out for-" he disappears behind the door for the dining area.

    "Everyone saw that, right? This little pen didn't make me hallucinate it?" Sero asks, holding up a vape pen with a different kind of cartridge.

    "Why does Kaachan have two children with him? Auntie would never allow for that." Midoriya says.

    "Kaminari, you were with him right? You went with Aizawa that day and didn't return, so what's going on?" Mina asks.

    "That's for him to tell, not me." Kaminari says.

    "The playpen!" Uraraka says, pointing to it. "Don't tell me we'll be living with them here. He does know we need to be able to focus and study, right? If he suddenly came into children then he should dro-"

    "Don't you dare finish that sentence." Kaminari snaps. Everyone tenses up. They've only seen him angry once before. That was when a guy was continuing to hit on Mina after she said no, and was clearly very uncomfortable. It's terrifying to witness, and now it seemed to be directed at them. "You have no idea how hard it was for him to come here today. He was going to drop out. He was going to give up on his dreams because he thought that was the only thing to do. If you want to be upset at anyone for those kids being her then be upset at me or Aizawa. Don't blame him. We were the ones to convince him to stay, because we didn't want to see him go. We don't want him to give up in something he has worked so hard for. Something he has more than earned. So sit down, stop complaining, and please just don't be a bitch towards him."

    "Jesus Christ Kaminari." Bakugou says. He has come out of the kitchen with a sandwich, and is standing in the doorway of the dining area so he can keep an eye on the two that started that fight. "I expect them to be upset. I can handle it. I thought I had a little more time before class ended though. Didn't have the explanation completely planned yet."

    "But you do have an explanation." Iida says. This is a very concerning thing to learn, but an explanation would definitely help.

    "To make an incredibly long story short, they're mine. I fooled around some eith my girlfriend, ended up disowned by our parents and kicked out of the house because she ended up pregnant. That hotel that burned down is where we lived, and where she died." 

    Everyone was shocked, and three of them felt extremely guilty. They had made fun of him for reacting like that to his life literally crumbling before his eyes. From how he looks, he's still feeling like shit. It's understandable. He feels like shit but is still trying to move forward.

    "After the fire we were homeless. I used what little I had in the way of money to feed them. Ended up terribly sick, and that's when I called Mr. Aizawa. The rest you probably already know."  He finishes his story, and tries to distract himself with his sandwich. The eyes, and the pity were feeling overwhelming. He wants to run, but knows he can't. If he runs now then all of this will have been for nothing.

    "Can I see them?" Kirishima asks, durprising everyone. "I only caught a brief look earlier."

    "After they finish eating, I guess it would be alright for some of you to see them. Not too many though. I don't want them to get overwhelmed." He says.

    This of course started a fight over who gets to meet them first. Kaminari feels pride well up in his chest for having already met them, while Bakugou fights back a laugh over how popular they have suddenly become. This went better than expected.

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