A Plan

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    "The way it stands now, you don't have many options." Aizawa says.

    The three of them had gotten take out so none of them had to worry about cooking while they discussed Bakugou's future. Nixie has been put back down to play with her sister. Now they were facing the serious conversation that was Bakugou.

    "I know that." He says, already annoyed since the obvious had been stated. He already feels like shit. He doesn't need reminded that that's what his future looks like too.

    "I'm not saying your only choice is to drop out and hope that some place will hire you while allowing you to bring the kids." Aizawa says. He knows that's what Bakugou is thinking, and judging by the wide-eyed look he recieved he was correct. "There are a couple options that allow for you to continue attending our school. Now there is the easy yet terrifying way, the easier and still very scary way, or there is the difficult way."

    "What is the easy way?" Bakugou asks.

    "Just bring them to class with you." Kaminari answers. Bakugou sends him a glare. There's no way he can do that.

    "He's right. That was the answer. I said terrifying. Admitting the truth to your peers and facing potential ridicule is quite possibly the most terrifying thing you could do right now." Their teacher says while playing with the lo mein he got.

    "What's my other options?" Bakugou asks, deciding that he definitely wasn't doing that.

    "Again, bring them to school with you, but," he cuts Bakugou off before he could say anything else, "one of us teachers will be watching them. There will still be a chance that your classmates will find out, but it is obviously a smaller chance."

    "Is the last way removing that chance altogether?" Bakugou asks.

    "Nope." Kaminari says. "Bakugou, there will be a chance no matter what you do. One way or another the others will eventually find out. Not from me, or Aizawa, but they will. I know you're smart enough to have realized that already, and I know you are trying to fool yourself into believing otherwise, but this is too big to hide forever."

    "The chance is significantly lower though." Aizawa tells him. "But you'll be getting even less sleep than you had been. Your health will definitely take a hit in all ways it can. You will most likely fall behind in class. Plus it will be making your classmates very suspicious."

    "Well that's obviously the worst option. I can't get sick like this again. And if my studies will take such a heavy blow then what's the point of staying?" Bakugou asks.

    "I understand. I was just letting you know the results that would come if you take the difficult path. That path allows you to switch to taking classes in the evening while Kaminari here babysits. Since the teachers are all heroes we are obligated to actually do patrols so your classes will run shorter and you will have less time to do homework since you still need to sleep and have the kids to take care of during the day." Aizawa says.

    Bakugou grumbles, saying that all of the options suck. Staying in UA will be better for him in the long run, and even in the sprint, but why does everything have to be terrifying and hard? Why did that stupid fire have to start? If Hinataro were here everything would be easier. He wouldn't have to worry so much.

    "You can take some time to think things over, but I'm going to need an answer soon." Aizawa says.

    "There's really only one option I can take." He says, stopping Aizawa from saying anything else. He looks at his girls with tears in his eyes. "I can't drop out, especially when options are being given to me for help. If I drop out then there is very little chance of survival. I can't do evenings because I can't afford to fall behind or get sick. I have to take them to school with me, and if they are going to find out anyways I may as well rip the band-aid off. Plus, I don't want to be away from them for a while."

    "So they will be joining classes?" Aizawa asks, making sure he was certain.

    "For the most part yes, but there will definitely be times that I would prefer them to be with one of you guys. Like when there is going to be fighting, loud noises, and all that." Bakugou says.

    "Understandable. I will inform the staff of what is going on so we can prepare, and when you are ready to return I will have part of the room made up for them. I will also be making a new seating chart to fit the situation. I believe as it is Shoji and Jirou will be suffering if they cry."

    "I volunteer to sit next to him. That way I can easily help if need be. They already know me so that would be best." Kaminari says.

    "That was the plan. Well I must be off to get what I can of a patrol in. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me Bakugou. I know it was difficult, but this was needed."

    Once Aizawa left a question formed in his mind. Will he be moving into the dorms or staying here. That part wasn't discussed. Did he forget or assume he already knew the answer? What was he supposed to do?

    "Hey Dunce." Bakugou says to grab his friend's attention. Kaminari looks over at him in the middle of a noodle slurp. "You seemed to know what the options and plans were."

    "Well yeah. When he came to check on you yesterday we discussed them together. Believe it or not, Bakugou, we would have been sad to see you go." Kaminari says.

    "Well do you know lodging situation?" Bakugou asks.

    "That's up to you. We figured discussing the education situation was hard enough, so we weren't going to force this decision on you until you were ready to go back to school. If you ask me though, moving to the dorms would be the best choice." Kaminari says. This confused Bakugou so he asks why. "If you move the weekend before you start school back up it will give them time to settle and get used to the new faces. It will be easier on you and the babies as well since  you guys won't have to wake up so early to get to school, or travel far after a hard day of training. Plus, the teachers can just go to the dorms to watch them on test days and stuff, so they won't be in too many unfamiliar places."

    Bakugou nods. That makes sense. It left him with yet another question though. This one completely unrelated to his kids.

    "Why can't you show this level of intelligence in class?"

    Kaminari laughs at Bakugou's new question. The other just smiles. He feels better already. It's like a huge weight has been removed from his shoulders. One he figured he would be burdened with for a long time. Knowing he had plan though, that brought him some comfort. Not just a plan either. A plan and some help to get him through it. He wasn't alone in this anymore, and that alone was a big relief. They would be alright.

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