A Nice Cushion

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    It's the week of Nixie and Vera's first birthday. A lot has happened between the time they moved into the dorms and now. They said their first words. Nixie betrayed Bakugou woth hers by yelling Dawa when she saw Aizawa walk into the classroom. It surprised everyone and they saw Aizawa cry, which threw everyone into a panic. Vera asked for banana with her first word. No Dada or Daddy. Just Dawa and a banana.

    They've gotten a lot better at crawling since they get a lot of practice. The students love playing games to see who the two will choose over each other by everyone but the two students going up against each leaving the room. Any time Kaminari or Bakugou are in the room it's game over. Shoji is a very close third.

    Now the students are preparing to celebrate the first birthday of Vera and Nixie. While it's definitely not going to be a big birthday party, they still wanted to decorate a bit for the occasion. They decided to do it throughout the week instead of all at once. They didn't want to confuse or stress them out. Sato was also looking at muffin recipes. Bakugou chose muffins over cake because he didn't want them to have too much sugar.

    However, during all of this planning and preparation, one anomaly showed three days before their birthday in the form of a person. Aizawa had brought a guest to the dorms. A guest Bakugou hadn't expected. Hanataro's mother came, asking to talk.

    "Hello Katsuki." She says awkwardly.

    Bakugou nods his head in greeting, wondering what this is about. Most of the students had cleared out immediately, knowing this wasn't theie business or simply just wanting nothing to do with it.

    "I hope you don't mind me showing up unannounced. I tried to call but you had my number blocked. I just really need to speak with you." She says.

    "I'll allow this, but only because you weren't as rude as your husband."

    "Ex-husband." She corrects. This takes Bakugou by surprise, but he doesn't question it. "I just came to tell you that... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I allowed my ex-husband to treat you and our daughter the way he did. I'm sorry that you and Hanataro had to live the way you did during such difficult times. I'm sorry that I never offered help or reached out to check on you two. It was horrible of me really. I didn't want to turn a blind eye, but I was scared of what may happen should I go against his decision. After seeing his behavior after her unfortunate passing, I couldn't stand it anymore and got a divorce. I tried contacting you and tried to find you, but was unable until I remembered that you attend UA."

    "I accept your apology. I forgave you a long time ago. I could tell you wanted to fight him when he threw her out, and I know the look of that fear. My father often had the same look before leaving." Bakugou says.

    "Thank you Katsuki, and here." She reaches into her purse and pulls out a manilla folder. "It's the least I can do for you and my grandchildren. Don't open it until I leave though."

    "Ok. I won't." He promises, setting it aside.

    "And though I don't really have the right to ask, I do hope you'd consider allowing for me to be a part of their lives." She says, looking at the girls crawling around their playpen. "They are so adorable. They look just like you two."

    "They really do. Maybe after midterms I'll visit. I'm sure they'd appreciate knowing at least one of their grandparents."

    "Thank you. I better be going now, or I'll be late for work. Gosh that's so weird to say."

    Bakugou laughs lightly. He knows she had never worked a day in her life since she jumped right into an arranged marriage once she was twenty. Before then she was part of a wealthy family. She never needed to work.

    "Allow me to lead you to the gate." Aizawa says to her. She thanks him then waves bye to Bakugou as she leaves.

    Once she's gone Bakugou reaches for the folder. The Bakusquad, who all remained during the whole thing, watched him open it. Inside was a packet, a paper, and a ring with a few keys in it. He takes out the paper and reads it.

    It was a letter telling Katsuki what the other things were. The packet was the information to a checking and savings account set up in his name. She said she will place some money into both with each check until he graduates. The savings account was for the girls so they can have the money to do fun things when they get older. The card for the checking account is hidden in the packet.

    The keys. One was for a very spacious minivan so he can go places with the girls and his friends. The other two are keys to her old vacation house outside of town. A nice quiet place. He's been there before and knew exactly what it looks like. She says that she already has someone taking care of the land until he graduates, fencing the yard in to keep the kids from going down to the pond when they start running around. This way he has a place to live once he is done with school.

    At the end of the letter is the information to where Hanataro was burried. Information previously kept from him by her father. She's says that he, of all people, deserves to know.

    "I can't believe she just gave me all of this." He whispers to himself. "No strings attached or anything."

    Kaminari looks at the paper and skims it. Even he is shocked to see this. That much is a lot. Is she feeling that guilty? Either way Bakugou's got a nice cushion to sit on once he graduates.

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