chapter 12

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When pooja was completed, rishi Vishvamitra asked for a leave as they had to reach ashram till evening ,but Devansh and karna requested him to stay at least today, even he promised to drop everyone in morning itself

After so many requests when rishi Varsista also asked to stay they finally agreed but said he and his students will be leaving outside the palace to which they agreed and in backyard they prepared 10 huts which was big enough to contain atleast 8 peoples in one and once hut was prepared and at night after dinner all settled themselves in it

Jay's hut

Friend1 : " Jay are you still into Rajkumari,  I mean did you saw how easily they both defeated our friends it didn't take more then 20 minutes to younger rajkumar and elder one leave it he defeated in less then 15 minutes and they were standing as if it was just a cup of tea "

Friend 2 : " yess jay , they already are from a powerful kingdom, and these brothers are cherry on top."

Jay: " You should be motivating me not demotivating me , "

And with that, he went from there outside to explore the area

In Meeting Room

Here, Devansh, karna ,akash ,krishna, and balram were only present, as khana wanted to talk about something important

Krishna: " Maharaj Devansh,  I want your help."

Devansh: " yess vasudev shri krishna,  how may I help you?"

Balram: " Maharaj, you might know about magadh, right?" To which Devansh nodes

Krishna: " Maharaj we got an informative through our spy ,that in next month at Chandra grahan Jarasand is going to give Bali of 100 kings, Maharaj I asked many kingdoms for their help but everyone turn down our proposal even hastinapur who has bheshma , they all kept on saying Jarasanda is immoral,  he can't die fighting against Jim is just waste of time and our soldiers "

Akash: " No one is immortal vasudev shree krishn , he might also have some weak point,  right bhiya "

Karna: " he does akash , do you remember his birth story, " to which akadh nodes in no

Karna: " So listen ,
Jarasands father was Brihadratha ,He married the twin daughters of the King of Khasi. He loved both his wives equally.  Life was going smooth for him except he didn’t have progeny to the throne. One fine day, he went to Sage Kaushika of the Gauthama family with a sorrowful longing for children in his heart. The Sage moved by his despair, gave a divine mango to the King, and blessed him, saying that if his wife consumes it, she will bear the child soon. Known for his impartiality towards his wives, Brihadratha cut the fruit into two equal halves and gave one to each wife. Soon, the wives became pregnant. People in the entire kingdom were happy. But their happiness was short-lived as each wife gave birth to half of a child and each half had complementary portions of a baby (ie) one eye, one leg, half a face, one ear and so on. Grief-stricken, the King commanded his attendants to tie the lump in a cloth and cast them away in a jungle. A Rakshasi named Jara came to the place where the portions of the baby were thrown. Elated, she gathered the portions accidentally. To her surprise, the halves came together the right way into a whole living child. Her wish to eat the child subdued. She went to Brihadratha and presented him with the child. This child became Jarasandha. Jarasandha grew up into a man of immense physical strength." Further krishna continued

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